mock opera over here...this is what i do about bullshit (outta spite)

2 years ago

this camera angle is kinda cumbersome but i like it more than that other one
living dangerously and sporadically
the ever so reliable camera crew in my head, always disappointed by what i do
problematic whenever i must turn the steering wheel
might as well do sumin with yer other hand
adds a nice little musical backdrop
this along with reading Scripture helps me feel (a little) less like shit
seriously question if i should continue the route i've been goin
comedy as well as every other art form
not disappointed and humiliated? you didn't fuckin do it
that would really suck if i just stop growing
every time i open my eyes i don't like what i see
protesting society's stupidity by inconveniencing myself
never trained myself to rely on a phone
oh no! what if i don't check the internet
do i still exist? if i don't take a picture of this?
i hate it when people are behind me
you can't get away from people esp on the road!
goofy aloofy so true!
attention wars!

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