The Brain wash of the masses, understanding the slave mentality. #MakeAmericaThinkAgain

3 years ago

In the initial stages of nearly every recorded Tyranny, the saucer-eyed dumb struck masses exhibit astonishing and masterful skill when denying reality. The facts behind their dire circumstances and their antagonistic Government become the source of legitimate concern. Their desperate need to maintain their Normalcy bias create a memory and observation Vacum in which all that runs counter to the false assumptions and preconceptions disappear forever. It is, as if they truly cannot see the color of the sky or the boot on their face. The concrete World of Truth become a dream, an illusion that can be heeded or completely ignored, depending on ones mood, for them, life is a constant struggle of dissociation, where the tangible is -NOT WELCOME-

It is one thing to bear witness to the rejection of truth in our time and oblivious attitudes of many towards the growth of Totalitarian. Eventually though, a Second phase of the development of oligarchy arises.

I am of the point at which Tyranny become so blatant that the skeptics have to acknowledge its existence, But after doing so, they choose to rationalize it as necessary. Yes, there are many in this world that will laugh at the prospect of an Orwellian world! Your Enslavement. ~ TD, aka Professor X

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