libertine degenerates

2 years ago

wtf was that noise, fiona?
always checking out when in doubt
had to do the right thing n use my turn signal
when you're driving you gotta follow some of the rules some of the time
do sumin weird, be patient vortex
tik tok, ccp is clocking our demise
don't be mad at china, we buy their shit products
america will be the final domino
patriotism is tribal
they've put so much faith in this crap country
the right means well, the left does not
you're a cyborg, homie
fixed or outright eliminated
here to highlight solutions
they can't tune out the garbage
dogs that return to vomit, ie society
phones have reminded me that i was right to wanna be alone
everyone's fine w/ their enslavement
americans don't believe in much
tv dinners, lean cuisine omg

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