Helping 1000 Dropshippers - Stop Stressing And Learn From It (Ep19)

2 years ago

Helping 1000 Dropshippers - Stop Stressing And Learn From It (Ep19)

Doing everything I can to try pull myself out this slump.
I'm going to be earlier each night, only to find myself staying up all night.

I change things up and visit my uncle. We go out for an amazing dinner, and take a look at his aquariums. Always a humble and refreshing experience to be with my uncle.

I also get a meal prep set to help me with my cooking.
On busy days, I'd rather eat a prepped meal than spend the time cooking or making a mass of food for left overs.

I try shift my mindset into a more positive attitude and keep my head up.
I got my ski trip coming up soon and I'm so excited to go, I just need to get my hands on some tickets!

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