Last day of the 2022 KY turkey season

2 years ago

May 8th was the last day of the 2022 Kentucky turkey season.

Regardless of how the season ends it's always bittersweet but I guess I appreciate it more BECAUSE it goes by so fast.

I made this short 5 min recap video to show what happened.

After setting up the decoys I was just about to step into the blind when Mr. Tom gobbled less than 100 yards away.

I had less than 1 minute to put on my gloves, face mask, get the tripod level, shotgun mic & Canon camcorder turned on, zoomed in & focused & arrow knocked.

Everything was PERFECT except for one minor detail...I didn't have my release!

I dropped it on the floor in the garage the night before & unfortunately I didn't remember to attach it to my bow before I put in the case.

I guess there's a first time for everything!

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