20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 71)

2 years ago

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 1:33 {How to Respectfully Correct our Husbands} As a Christian wife, what are some principles I can apply in order to respectfully and lovingly offer my husband correction when needed?
2. 10:27 {Can we Trust what Moses Wrote?} Besides simply “the Bible says so” and biblical figures certifying them, how do we trust revelations that what Moses wrote of others’ lives and/or words (all of Genesis) are things those people actually said/happened?
3. 17:23 {Should I Get Re-Baptized?} If I was baptized as a teen and "messed up" a bunch, even not going to church as I should, should I get re-baptized after "coming to my senses" and trying to live for God again?
4. 21:41 {Responding to Others about Divorce} How do you handle Christians who don’t believe that your divorce was biblical? He was a narcissist/sociopath who convinced them before he died that I was the problem, and my children won’t speak to me.
5. 24:33 {Wisdom for Young Marrieds} Do you have any advice or mistakes to avoid for a young marriage?
6. 31:14 {Struggling with Repeated Sin} There are sins listed in 1 Corinthians 6 that seem to send people to Hell. I struggle often with gluttony and anger. I repent, but I fall back into it often. What’s the difference?
7. 38:41 {How to Interpret Proverbs} Verses in Proverbs often seem like unrelated thoughts. Their vague quality makes it hard to know how to interpret them correctly. How do you determine the context of these verses?
8. 46:10 {Can Christians Work for Secular Businesses?} Should Christians work for businesses that include agendas promoting sin (like Disney)? It has a diverse product but sinful ideas are included. How do we make sure we’re not being unequally yoked in non-marital situations?
9. 50:57 {Should we Command People to be Healed?} Should we command for someone to be healed, or ask God for someone to be healed (Acts 3:6)? Do we have the very same authority of the Apostles to perform miracles (Mark 16: 17-18)?
10. 59:04 {Are the Beatitudes Eschatological?} Can it be said that the Beatitudes are eschatological? I've heard that the word “blessed” can be better translated as “blissful” in them.
11. 1:03:05 {Speaking the Truth in Love – Abortion} How do we discuss abortion in a way that doesn't push people away from the Gospel? Despite being very careful to speak up with gentleness, I'm still getting accused of being hateful, and blocked.
12. 1:05:41 {Bearing with One Another’s Conscience} The Bible says to bear with brethren of weaker faith. If instrumental music is a liberty, shouldn’t we bear with those who believe a cappella is the right way and not use instruments?
13. 1:08:13 {About Pastors Purchasing Sermons} What are your thoughts about pastors purchasing sermons and not acknowledging the original author, basically plagiarizing another pastor? It has been a huge problem at our former church.
14. 1:12:46 {Who Were the Spirits in Prison?} Who are the spirits in prison Jesus preached to in 1 Peter 3: 19?
15. 1:17:26 {Is it Sometimes Biblical to Pray for Death?} Is there ever a biblical case to pray for someone to die? Didn't Paul pray for the destruction of some peoples’ flesh for the spirit to be saved in the day of judgment?
16. 1:22:32 {About Medical Marijuana Use} I have an incurable sleep disorder that my Doctor has authorized the use of Marijuana for as it is one of the few things that helps. Should I pray for healing or keep taking this drug that I hate?
17. 1:26:13 {God’s Voice or My Own Thoughts?} How do I differentiate between God's voice and my own intrusive thoughts?
18. 1:32:35 {True Believer but No Life Change?} Is it possible to believe in Jesus yet never have a change of life? My father has cheated and lived with his mistress. he said he believed in Jesus, yet he never came back home to live with his family.
19. 1:35:20 {Do Women Always Need a Male Head?} If there is a Christian adult woman whose father has passed away and she does not have a husband, who is she to be accountable to?
20. 1:38:10 {Symbolism Between the Wine & Jesus?} Was Jesus’ miracle of turning water to wine at Cana meant to be a symbol of how Jesus does not use water to wash us, but uses His blood (wine)?

CLICK HERE for my “Evidence for the Bible” series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejnwl...

CLICK HERE for my video on how correct the “name it and claim it” teaching is – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvA5Z...

CLICK HERE for my very long debate on whether baptism saves - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2TfB...

CLICK HERE for clarity on a bunch of baptism related questions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOx9E...

THANK YOU for your patience as we always get more questions than I can possibly answer, but I will do my best.

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