intuitive what I eat in a day✨🥑

2 years ago

if you’d like to see this day in more detail check it out on my channel! Day 1 of “ what I *actually* eat in a week - *trying to be low waste!* ( simple + vegan ) “

I absolutely love spending time in the kitchen and creating nourishing delicious meals, food is supposed to be enjoyable and exciting! If you are suffering with an ED that can be diminished in many ways. But you are not alone or unable to heal!💛💛

Things that help me have a healthy relationship with food

Having a schedule or desired times to eat - this isn’t to say you have to eat at the same time everyday, however I find having structure in my eating habits keeps me and my body happy:)

Stopping when I’m actually full and eating when I’m hungry - the thought of not clearing my plate was ridiculous to me for a long time and I grew up being told “one more bite” ( which can be useful if a child has a hard time eating ) however when it’s ingrained in you not to leave the table until your plate is clean, it can be damaging for you to not listen to your hunger cues. So get in touch with your body again and listen to those signals

Not having food “off limits” ( unless it’s for ethical reasons ) - demonizing certain foods is not the answer and often leads to binge eating. When you know that option is always open to you, you tend to not abuse it. Remind yourself, a particular food doesn’t make you fat, as a particular food doesn’t make you skinny. Include variety and maintain balance with in your diet🙌🏻

Lots of love to all of you 💛✨🌮🍌🥬🥑👏🏻

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