2 - HM Crestron Lighting - Adding a Dimmed Circuit

2 years ago

Second video in a series of help files for the Homemation Crestron Lighting Driver that enables a Crestron Lighting system to be controlled easily from a Control4 System.

This video shows how to add a Dimmable Crestron Circuit to be controlled from a C4 System

Driver available on Driver Central - https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/crestron-lighting/

Here are all the Videos in the Series:

Video 1 - Setting up the IP Link between C4 Controller and Crestron Processor


Video 2 - Adding Dimmable Crestron Circuits for Control from Control4


Video 3 - Adding Non Dimmable Crestron Circuits for Control from Control4


Video 4 - Adding Generice Crestron Relays for Control from Control4


Video 5 - Adding Crestron Keypads for Programming and Control from Control4


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