Cat is sleeping on the bed with rabbit.

2 years ago

There are good and bad points to sharing your sleeping space with your feline companion. Health experts weigh in on what you should consider.

They say that dogs are man’s best friend, but those who say that have clearly never had solid feline companionship.

While every cat is different, they do have some common traits. In addition to being able to scale any object with super-kitty abilities, cats can sneak into our hearts, bringing comfort and joy to anyone they choose to adopt.

That can include cuddling up in bed at night. While some cats might not be interested, others want to be as close to their human counterparts as possible. And many humans seem to prefer it that way.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 50 percent of pet owners in the United States allow their pet to sleep in bed with them.

Bill Fish, cofounder of, says, without question, there are positives to allowing your cat into your bed each night, including giving both of you a sense of security, emotionally and physically.

“Having a guest in bed with you also reduces stress as well as brings warmth and comfort,” he said. “As you feel your cat’s rhythmic breathing, it soothes you and helps you get to sleep more quickly.”

But whether your cat sleeps calmly through the night is another question. They can interrupt your sleep and bring a number of other health risks into your bed as well.

How cats can affect your sleep
Dr. Steve Weinberg, founder of 911 VETS, said it can feel nice and comfy to have your cat sleep on a bed with you — some literally on your head — potentially calming anxiety and night terrors.

“The downside is that cats are nocturnal animals,” he said. “The human sleeper may have their sleep interrupted in the wee hours of the night or be woken up at a very early hour.”

Because of this, Weinberg says, sleeping with a cat can be counterproductive to a person’s typical wake-sleep patterns.

“Many cats like to play and will scratch at or even bite at the human feet moving around under the covers,” he said. “[There are] other problems, such as allergy to cat dander or, if fleas are not under control, the human may receive flea bites.”

Cats may also want to cozy up to babies and infants — taking on their own caregiver roles in the house — but experts say cats shouldn’t spend the night with the littlest ones in your home.

Dr. Jennifer Maniet, a staff veterinarian at Petplan Pet Insurance, says it’s not safe for cats to sleep with babies because there’s a risk a cat could unintentionally suffocate a baby by sleeping on its chest or face.

“If the cat is startled or frightened, the baby can get bitten, scratched, or trampled on as the cat tries to run or jump away,” she said. “Cat scratches and bites are common ways that the cat can transmit diseases to a baby.”

You can consult your veterinarian for ways to keep the cats out of the nursery, Maniet says.

Then there’s the issue of whether your cat shares the bed with any other animals besides humans. Some cats won’t care, but others could view them as a threat and that could create some unwanted chaos in the bedroom.

“Having your cat in your bed can also promote dominance within the animal,” Fish said. “They begin to feel like it is their territory and could get agitated if anyone else enters the bed.”

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