i get off when people scoff *it's the only thing (piano punk)

2 years ago

people keep tellin me to ______
i wish you had never spoken to me
ignore me, don't give me shitty advice i won't take anyway
all that shit that don't satisfy them
skinny jeans, sooooo women
unattractive to the world cos unattracted to the world
not shaving, fuck all that
you are killing yourself in a way (but you get to have sex)
co-dependency is how marriage should be
do what i'm told so nobody gets upset
glory in being hated, rejoice cos you have a choice
i know i swear a lot
God is the one that will provide judgment
actual human contact and relate-ability
maybe they never had it to begin w/
man this is so raw
most people would kill themselves tho (i mean they kinda aleady did)

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