Winnipeggers: Episode 93 – Darwin Awards

2 years ago

This episode written by Irvass
“Those first words are really important sometimes”
“That’s my ass actually”
Mr. Spivak might not come back!
Dave’s Rants: No more birthdays, people! Enough of this “how’s everything going?” Done with standing.
Not a snowboarder fan – fallin’ all over the place, have a bit of a snobby way about you, don’t like the way you move, always screamin’ help, board bangin’ my skis on the lift & taking up my foot space! (*this may or may not have been edited to better reflect the editor’s opinion about winter sports)
The Family: Still lovin’ the movie quotes ep! Stay away from Dobermans, squirrels, and Canadian Geese. Don’t understand some of them, but thanks for watching.
Corporation Update: Nothing really new because Dave is not built for rejection… I mean because they’re still shopping the show!
Porksi: involving Abbey Road, bare feet, and a suit. Wait! Is Paul McCartney on the show today?
Special Guest: AEW’s Darby Allin & the strangest death he’s ever heard of. (Paul McCartney is alive so it’s not him)
Toss a few back, do something stupid, and get nominated!! Darwin Awards!
Zoo keeper, elephant, and animal laxative
The flying tailor!
The Flying Wallendas
Poison ivy, a solid ass wiping… and then he died
This is a LIVE porksi moment (for someone not named Rybo or Irvass)
Bad breath, a three-wheeler… and then he died
Bungee jumping from a bridge with no bounce back
And thanks to this week’s sponsors:
The amazing Unicity! 86 stores, plenty of parking, flea markets! And don’t forget to bring a bag!, and the DSP t-shirt! Order yours today… and wear it while listening to the brand new dave spivak project album, “Unknown Man,” dropping May 1st!
The original official, magical, mystical, life-changing Winnipeggers t-shirt! Also a great choice to wear while listening to the new dave spivak project album, “Unknown Man,” dropping May 1st. And still a bargain at $24.99 at!

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