2022 Bird Flu Outbreak, Everything You Need to Know

2 years ago

In recent days, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has identified cases of deadly avian influenza in U.S. flocks and put the poultry industry on high alert. At the same time, an outbreak was confirmed in a backyard flock of birds in Fauquier County, Virginia.

In December 2014, avian influenza (also known as bird flu or HPAI H5) had spread in the U.S. for the first time since 2004. Since that December, more than 40 million turkeys and chickens have been killed by the virus.

This is a worrisome time for many backyard chicken farmers. Many people are unsure how best to care for their chickens during this time. We have compiled the latest information on bird flu so you have everything you need to keep your chickens safe during this endemic time.

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