Bucha Massacre Result of flechette tank shells - Most likely Fired by Ukraine Nazi's - The New Atlas

2 years ago

Disclaimer : This video has been reuploaded by me with permission from The New Atlas to do so. It is a very interesting video and I hope more people will see it to understand what happened in the Bucha massacre.
From : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpSM-aiaxK4

The Guardian confirms that artillery killed a number of civilians previously claimed to have been the victims of an alleged "Russian massacre." The admission comes as forensic examination of bodies claimed to have been part of a “massacre” include tiny darts used in anti-personnel shells used by Ukraine since 2014.

Russia was in this area when the artillery struck implicating Ukrainian rather than Russian forces in the deaths of these civilians.


Guardian - Dozens of Buch@ civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery:

AFP - Surgeons in Ukraine's rebel Donetsk confirm cluster bomb usage (2014):


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