Celeste Solum - Locked Up With Ramola D

2 years ago

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/k12XLX9X2z0S/

Powerful and informative first interview with Celeste Solum on my recent experience of illegal and unConstitutional Section 12 Invol. Psych Hold false-arrest, kidnapping, and 6-day captivity run by Quincy Police on basis of false-claim from a framing and slandering neighbor.

We cover journalistic disclosure of EMF Tech, Microwave Weapons, and other "Non-Lethal" tech being used as Crowd Control technologies and "technical surveillance" in neighborhoods in USA and worldwide, yet without public disclosure by Law Enforcement, although much is surfacing currently regarding this tech., such as evidenced from the Canberra protest rallies (covered at my site, everydayconcerned.net), disclosure from the Dutch Secretary of State citing EU documents (covered at my site, with links and quotes), DOJ-DOD agreements (covered at my site), and more.

We also speak of the actual experience of kidnapping and abuse at the Carney Hospital ER for 2 days, the experience of being removed without consent and against my will to a Psych ward for substance-abuse filled with troubled and overdosed people, and a mix of thoughtful and disengaged staff and medical personnel many of whom operated as bullying prison guards, not "healthcare" personnel.

We speak of the presence of receptive psychiatrists--two I was impressed by, and one especially for her intellectual awareness, particularly of surveillance matters today and military technologies which I have been researching and reporting on for 8 years: it is not "paranoid delusion, grandiose delusion" to speak of microwave weapons, DEWs, the Smart Grid of surveillance, mobile and stationary, frequency weapons, and neurotechnologies when declassified military documents, police/DOJ disclosure, military and Intelligence whistleblowers and neuroscientists exist, are speaking publicly, and have been reported (by this journalist and many other writers and journalists earlier). Psychiatrists and Mental Health personnel (and presumptuous but ignorant ER doctors and nurses) need to catch up with the state-of-the-art Science and Technology here as well as the completely unethical use of this DEW/Neurotech. by the military-police-security-intelligence faction which is causing grave harm and massive human rights violations to millions of people now, silently, in their own homes and neighborhoods.

We mention fraudulent FBI watchlisting which permits such atrocities to happen.

We also cover ways of coping with adversity, knocking on heaven's door and engaging in quiet practices like meditation and prayer in such situations: I share my own meditations and heart-chakra meditations to send frequency-of-love-vibrations into the universe, transforming practices which also helped soften my own stance of no-consent, no-jurisdiction and speak as one human to another with many of the nurses and doctors and staff there.

We also cover my refusal to comply with demands for clinical interaction such as labwork and urine/blood tests, my sustained stance of no-consent, my refusal to eat their non-vegan/other-jurisdiction food after Saturday after I spoke to their first visiting psychiatrist, and my confidence in maintaining jurisdiction as American state national on Law of Land/land and soil jurisdiction separate from Law of Sea/maritime law US INC jurisdiction, which I have been learning about and reporting in my Let Freedom Ring! broadcasts.

Publicity, letting people know, and people calling in to support and ask for my release also helped. Ultimately it was the intelligence of a few of the smarter doctors in there, the awareness of jurisdiction issues, the observation of my composed demeanor, the risen awareness of my work as a journalist, and the fact that I stand in peace not war and don't pose harm or threat to anyone, I think, which secured my release on Tuesday afternoon.

Many thanks to all who influenced this release, and to all who cared, wrote, spoke, called...no doubt I will write and speak more about all this, going forward--but I couldn't have asked for a better interviewer than Celeste, a truly informed science and military journalist, for a first conversation on this subject, pre-scheduled, unintended. Special gratitude to Celeste.

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