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Food For Heart

2 years ago

The right “food for heart” health is the simplest lifestyle intervention available to modify CVD risk. This video reviews the cholesterol question and the role diet plays in the elevation of blood cholesterol. That elevated total blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol are major risk factors of CVD is now an undisputed fact around the world. Numerous studies have confirmed the importance of diet in the prevention of heart disease, and more and more people are becoming aware of the need to make good food-for-heart choices. Choosing the right food for heart is, however, not as straightforward as it may seem, and it is confounded by the many food advertisements that bombard us daily and the countless fast-food restaurants that crowd the cities. As a result, many people are in search of a healthy food list, to make it easy for them to choose the healthiest foods for the heart. By watching this video, viewers will be informed on the latest recommendations regarding the choice of foods for heart health, choices that can significantly decrease the risk of developing high blood cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. These very principles contain recommendations that apply to the diets of people suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, and can help can help to a great degree in bringing about weight loss in those people seeking to lose weight as part of a healthy life-style. Part of the efficacy of these dietary patterns is due to the replacement of some calories from saturated fat and carbohydrates by heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). This can have a significant effect on blood glucose levels and insulin resistance. Becoming aware of the right food for heart health can prompt lifestyle changes that profoundly impact our cardiovascular health.


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