[EXCLUSIVE] Woke ED is Broke ED Part I: How the USBE is measuring your kids' Social Emotional Learning and WHY IT'S BAD

2 years ago

When Social Emotional Learning (SEL) techniques first hit schools they were billed as “the process of developing the self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.”

But as SEL has become more integrated into classrooms it’s allowed students’ private lives, emotional needs, and family belief systems to be exposed the scrutiny of teachers, faculty, other students, and worst of all, data-mining companies, who are collecting loads of personal information on your kids that has nothing to do with education and everything to do with indoctrination.

The Utah State Board of Education is actively engaged in making SEL assessment an integrated part of your kid's educational experience. Absolutely unacceptable. SEL is just a form of social credit, what we call "educational eugenics" and it will destroy public education as we know it, along with our kids' privacy.

Part II found here: https://rumble.com/v12kce0-exclusive-woke-ed-is-broke-ed-part-ii-social-emotional-learning-and-mtss.html

For an amazing explanation of how deep the problem goes, read JaKell Sullivan's post:


And check out Lisa Logan's deep dive on SEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtlIC1oYPBQiVFjJhngZggQ

Clip excerpt: https://academy.panoramaed.com/article/686-using-the-district-and-school-dashboards

Video brought to you by WWW.AIM-UTAH.ORG. Education Watchdogs for Utah Families

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