[EXCLUSIVE] Woke ED is Broke ED Part II: Social Emotional Learning & MTSS

2 years ago

Your kids' privacy is being violated - SEL involves MTSS, or multi-tiered systems of support. In theory, this means that "all kids get the support they need." In practice, this means that ALL kids are being tracked & data-mined on their emotions and psychological dispositions, one step or tier at a time.


Watch the video to see how this is done, and how teachers are being used as ersatz psychoanalysts, which isn't what they're hired to do, not qualified to act as, and the last thing they want to be.

For Part I, go to: https://rumble.com/v12177g-exclusive-how-the-usbe-is-measuring-your-kids-social-emotional-learning-and.html

An amazing explanation of how deep the problem of SEL goes is here in JaKell Sullivan's post:


And check out Lisa Logan's deep dive on SEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtlIC1oYPBQiVFjJhngZggQ

Clip excerpt: https://www.panoramaed.com/blog/social-emotional-learning-mtss

Video brought to you by WWW.AIM-UTAH.ORG. Education Watchdogs for Utah Families

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