Adobe to barn and back

2 years ago

This video is about my trip I recently took to retrieve my paintings, which have been stored in a gallery in a little town called Thomas in West Virginia.
I had a show there right before I was beginning graduate school for art therapy over 3 years ago. The gallery was then called, "Lamplight", but it has since changed its name to "Bloom".
I am experimenting with making videos and I really like it. I'm new at it but I'm getting better as I learn the ins and outs of video editing. I hope you enjoy.
My paintings and prints are now for sale in downtown Asheville at a used bookstore called "Downtown Books and News". I have had prints for sale there for 5 years and I am so grateful for that relationship. Now there are two framed prints for sale there. Go check it out!
The music in this video is:
Oh, Sweet Home by Hannah Kaminer
and Party Talk by Craft Spells.
There were so many beautiful and talented artists I am blessed to be friends with and got to see during this trip. The print I bought was made by Seth, who lives in Thomas, WV and owns the store, Creature. His website is:
Nellie Rose Textiles is my friend Nellie's business. Her website is:
Bloom is at:
Downtown Books and News, where my work is, is on Lexington street in downtown Asheville and their website is:
And my website is:
stay tuned.

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