Gospel - Luke 24:35-48

2 years ago

Proclamation of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ according to Luke.

At that time:
The two disciples told what they had
happened on the way, and as they had
recognized Jesus as breaking bread.
They were still talking, when
Jesus appeared among them and said to them:
'Peace be upon you! '
They got scared and scared,
thinking they were seeing a ghost.
But Jesus said:
'Why are you concerned,
and why do you have doubts in your heart?
Behold my hands and my feet:
I am myself!
Touch me and see!
A ghost has no flesh, no bones,
as you see I have.
And saying this, Jesus showed them the
hands and feet.
But they still couldn’t believe it,
because they were very happy and surprised.
Then Jesus said:
'Do you have anything to eat here? '
They gave him a piece of roasted fish.
He took it and ate it before them.
Then I told them:
These are the things I’ve told you
when I was still with you:
everything had to be fulfilled
what’s written about me
in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets
and in the Psalms.
Then Jesus opened the intelligence
of the disciples
to understand the Scriptures,
and said to them, 'Thus it is written:
Christ will suffer
and shall rise from the dead to the third
day and in his name, shall be announced
conversion and forgiveness of sins
to all nations, beginning
by Jerusalem.
You will be witnesses to all this.
Word of Salvation.


The meetings of the Risen One with the disciples
often begin with the omen of peace.
The wish for peace between them not
was a formality.
Rather, the greeting of Jesus acquired a
special consistency.
For the disciples, disturbed by the resurrection,
this peace consisted in establishing a relationship
correct with the Risen One.
It was about overcoming fear, perplexity,
astonishment, trouble, doubt, unbelief,
distrust, and welcome, in faith,
the Risen One present among them.
All these sentiments reveal the absence of peace.
This is why Jesus is presented as one
strives to make peace happen in the hearts of
disciples, in the form of openness to faith,
ability to recognize him as the Master
from the illumination of the intelligence to
penetrate the meaning of Scripture, of overcoming
hardness of heart.
Therefore, without peace, in the sense desired by Jesus,
they could not open up to the
newness of the resurrection.
Only in peace would the disciples be able to
recognize the risen Jesus, and experience
communion with him.
This was the first step to be taken by the disciple in
process of realizing your faith in the Lord.

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