Kirks Folly Shows on QVC with Judy Crowell & Jenniefer Kirk

3 years ago

Remember the Kirks Folly Shows on QVC with Judy Crowell & Jenniefer Kirk **If so, then this will bring back a lot of memories **On their 3rd Anniversary, Kirk's Folly was celebrated when QVC put together a look back in time at all the crazy, WONDERFUL shows they had aired through the years **Folly Dust; Mayhem; and, a whole lot of MAGIC 👑

🌴Judy's "LinkTree" to shop for great sales! 💯
📌 Remember to make the most of your Facebook and YouTube Live streams using BeLive 👉🏻
**And, if you upgrade to PRO 🎉 use my name for 30% OFF at Checkout! 👉🏻Judy-Crowell (just don't forget the 'dash' between the first-last name 👍🏻)

00:00 How It All Began
01:17 Roses Backstage
01:47 Behind The Scenes
02:37 Fairy Dust Magic
03:51 Snow Queen
04:11 FUN ON SET

▶︎DON'T MISS OUT ~ Be sure to SUBSCRIBE❣️ A) It's FREE 🎉 B) You'll never miss a Show! C) It's always fun here 👯‍♀️:

***It's KIRKS FOLLY on QVC with Judy Crowell & Jenniefer Kirk***
What an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime, opportunity 🎉 To host the shows in the early days of QVC when Kirks Folly came on board was pure magic! This montage of the backstage fun; the crazy, gorgeous costumes; and the elaborate sets built for the shows nicely sums up those moments that very few will ever forget. For an extraordinary 3 hours every month in the early to mid 1990's, we transformed QVC and took the audience to an unforgettable Fairyland of Fantasy. 🧚🏻🪄

▶︎For more ON-AIR SHOWS WITH JUDY, check out this PLAYLIST of Shows ➡️

***YouTube ~

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