9 Sleep Myths That Harm Health

5 years ago

You have probably heard someone saying they work just fine with only 4 or 5 hours of sleep, right?

But, according to a study, sleep deficit's symptoms are more subtle than you imagine, and sleeping less than 6 hours per night may cause many problems in your life.

In addition to this, several studies have demonstrated the importance of sleep for health.

Did you know that a few hours more or less can affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability?

Sleeping well is very important and some misinformation about it are actually harming our society.

Many people say that a good night’s sleep can work wonders. And it is not for nothing that they say that, since sleeping contributes to improving the metabolism, increasing energy and preventing chronic diseases.

In today's video you will learn about some myths and truths about sleeping, according to experts on the subject:

1) Sleeping six to eight hours, even if in parcels, isn't bad for your health
2) Snoring is harmful to health
3) Consuming alcohol can improve your sleep
4) The more I sleep, the better
5) Staying in bed helps you fall asleep
6) Sleeping helps kids grow up
7) Napping in the afternoon is good for your health
8) Physical activities before sleeping can be bad
9) Sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night is not bad for your health

So, how many of these myths did you believe in?


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