3 Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp Tried and Tested

4 years ago

The problem we will talk about in today's video may seem something silly and simple, but it can be really inconvenient.

Do you know someone who suffers from itchy scalp?

The chances are you have also suffered from this once in your life. But, do you know what causes it?

What can you do to solve this problem that seems small, but causes a big discomfort?

Did you know that itchy scalp may be related to different causes?

One of the main and most common reasons is excessive dryness. It can happen because of the shampoo and other products we use every day.

In other cases, it can be eczema. It can be confirmed if the scalp shows any patches of skin with a different color.

The area usually becomes inflamed and red, and can show some small blisters.

Besides that, there are also allergies that can be caused by products or allergens, such as hair dye, shampoos or creams that cause an inflammatory process on skin.

Before going out to buy medicines to stop this problem, see 3 tips to soothe this inconvenience...

If these things don't solve your problem, what about trying one of these 3 natural, homemade recipes?

If the symptoms persist, talk to a dermatologist, the only one who can help you with a more specific treatment for your case.

If you make any of the recipes, share your opinion with us.


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