The First Easter - April 17, 2022

2 years ago

Each of the four gospels tells us part of the story of the first Easter. Some information is only found in one of the gospels. There are some minor differences in the details between the gospels, which some people consider to be contradictions, but they really aren’t. As evangelical Christians, we believe that the writers were inspired by God to include the information found in each book. It is important for us to realize that the Jewish understanding of logic at that time was not primarily interested in presenting facts in chronological order, or even in presenting details which were not necessary to convey the author’s message, so it is not unusual for them to leave out details, or to compress events, so that what actually took place in two separate events is presented in a way which to us appears to only indicate a single event. But with our western understanding of logic, we like to have all the details and we want them presented in chronological order. Today I will try to do just that to the best of my ability. However, I hope that you will notice, as we go through the events of the first Easter, that it is the message of these events, and not the details, which are most important. Let’s look together now at what happened that first Easter Sunday.

Here are the Bible passages that were used in the preparation of this message:
Matthew 27:46-50; 28:1-15
Mark 15:34-37; 16:1-14
Luke 24:1-49
John 11:39; 20:1-23
1 Corinthians 15:1-24

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