Fast & Pray

2 years ago

Paul Washer Book on Fasting:

God’s Battle Plan for the Mind by David W. Saxton:

Health of all of Life by Dr. Jason Garwood:

~50 Ounce Water Bottle:

Metabolic Flexibility:
Body is strong and flexible and will not have symptoms when fasting or feasting.

A lack of self control which can be expressed in areas such as over eating.

The Liver:
God designed the liver to work many thousands of functions.
To switch from a sugar burning mode to a fat burning mode of fuel the liver has to build infrastructure to do so well. The brain actually prefers fat burning mode, and you’ll notice how much energy and capacity for work you have once you build the metabolic flexibility.

Your spouse and/or close friend to encourage you spiritually and watch out for your physically. In the presence of many counselors there is wisdom.

- Pregnant, Lactating mothers consult health provider for short term intermittent fasting and consider no fasting at all until it is safe.
- Those with food eating disorders to seek counsel on fasting strategies that would best honor Christ.
- Those needing to eat with medication are recommended to seek counsel from the doctor who prescribed the medicine.

Spiritual Fasting:
- Harness the power of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs!
- Spending intentional time of postured prayer and Scripture
- Leaning into Christ who is more than food and the fountain of living waters

Prayer Example (ACTS):
ADORATION- We adore you God who created the womb and the fruitfulness of life. You are the powerful God in whom all things hold together!

CONFESSION- We confess our sins before you as a nation who has slaughtered our own. I confess my sin of apathy and lack of diligence in earnest prayer about the plight of those who cannot speak for themselves

THANKSGIVING- We are thankful for organizations like EAN, Action for Life, Apologia Studios, and the work of the saints internationally who stand for justice for the preborn

SUPPLICATION- Hear us now this very hour and demonstrate your power to protect those who fight for equal protection and stand courageously at the front lines with their names and signatures to legally protect the lives of these children from murder. Increase our zeal as we pursue you and fight for purity and consistency and shun hypocrisy or slothfulness in our battle. Make us a people who can run to you in prayer and build us up to be prepared collectively for even a 3 day fast like Mordecai’s people pleaded for Esther before the King for the lives of her people.
We are broken, but you are The Great Healer, you are long-suffering, you are zealous to make us holy as you are, and you will finish what you started with us. Your work among us is not done yet, and we honor all your powerful provisions of grace. Build us into you as the cornerstone and into one another to demonstrate our love ultimately for you alone. In Jesus name. Amen

Extended fasting (“DEEP end of a pool”)
In the beginning the parts of the Liver do not have the infrastructure for an extended fast like a 3 day fast. But over time you can slowly build up infrastructure with some regular intermittent fasting and grow into extended fasting like a 3, 5, or even 7 day fast.

Intermittent Fasting schedule (“wading SHALLOW end of a pool”):
8 hour eating window (16:8) (Decide to skip breakfasts or skip dinners)
20:4 (eat two nutritious meals within a four hour eating window)
ADF: alternate day fasting (ex: eat Mon, skip Tue, eat Wed, etc)
OMAD: One Meal A DAY (basically 24 hour fasting)
72 Hour “Esther Fast”, Gut Reset Fast

When you eat, it will help your future fast if you eat healthy satisfying meals now with some health fat in the meal. That way your body knows you’re not starving it and it will help build metabolic flexibility long term.
- Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Grass-fed Butter, Local Olive Oil
- Fat on vegetables help absorb Fat Soluble Vitamins from them.

• Reduce/eliminate grains and starchy veggies, especially before a longer fast

Breaking a Fast:
• Breaking a fast with ACV 15 minutes before meal (apple cider vinegar), just a small shot or a few table spoons - straight or diluted with water
• Breaking fast with fat, avocados, bone broth
• The longer the fast the longer the food reintroduction should be

• Hydration!!!
o Water intake daily ounces, ULTIMA electrolytes
o Shouldn’t drink water with food generally to keep stomach acids acidic for digestion
o Drinking 30-40 ounces as a meal replacement in one sitting

• Decide what you don’t want to eat and what you’ll allow

• Low Carb eating before a fast
o Insulin vs. Ghrelin
• Avoid snacking as a lifestyle
• Electrolytes salting pinch
o Especially helpful when cooking for family while you fast
o Helpful when craving something crunchy and salty
o Redmans Real Salt

Dr. Jason Fung Interview

Dr. Fung Complete Guide to Fasting book:

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