Russia: Wars of Liberty (Age of Empires 3 Mod) Let's Play

2 years ago

Disclaimer: the setting of the game is of a historical nature and is NOT meant to express support for the Ukraine invasion.

Another AOE 3 Original Civilization with edits, Russia has various edits such as enemy units being slowed when a Russian Structure is destroyed. Units added/edited including a circular shaped naval unit called the Popovka (weird shape for a warship though). There's also the Tsar Cannon which is a unique green hued cannon whose damage is epic and slow to load. The Strelet is replaced by a cheap skirmisher unit called the Ryadovoy. There's a also a unique Pikeman called the Opolchenet. Russia also have access to the Cavalry units Cossack (light Cavalry) and Okharnnik (a Cavalry raider good against Buildings and Villagers). Like the European Civilizations, Russia has access to the Hospital structure for unique improvements, though it is technically a Eastern European, it is grouped with the main European civilizations as it isn't a SMALL Eastern European nation-state like Romania and Bulgaria, Russia is in fact a VERY LARGE Eastern European nation in the time of Wars of Liberty.

I named my explorer after my Rasputnik OC on DeviantArt, a centuries old Russian Sorcerer/Necromancer.

The Mod can be found on ModDB.

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

0:00: This is the Russia Civilization and the map is the Falkland Islands.

0:38: Russia can train 3 Settlers at once.

0:51: Here's the Revolutionary Politiicans, no Soviet Union for some reason.

1:18: The mod team replaced the Strelet.

2:16: Yes the Tsar Cannon has a greenish hue.

3:00: I named my Explorer after my Rasputnik character, he's a centuries old Russian Sorcerer.

3:14: That's one weirdly shaped warship.

4:23: This unit replaces a Russian Cavalry unit from the original AOE 3

4:39: Russia's Unique Pikeman.

5:12: Yeah we don't need this, were already in the Imperial Era.

6:07: Get in the disk boat.

6:25: Crab, one of the wildlife added in Wars of Liberty.

6:59: impressive shot.

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