Ukrainian T-64BV Friendly Fire Mistook Ukrainian Soldiers For Russian Ones? Case Analysis

2 years ago

Unbelievable video.
It was friendly fire Ukrainian t-64BV gave cumulative fire on the abandoned BMP of the Russian Federation. And the second tank fired a volley at a car parked on the road.
A Ukrainian t-64 tank mistook Ukrainian soldiers for Russian ones because they were sitting on a trophy Russian paratrooper vehicle with the letter "Z" and opened fire on them.
The Ukrainian tank T-64BV immediately set the turret to the target tracking mode. About bandages, no need to carry nonsense. In the sights, these bandages cannot be identified, sometimes it’s not like the color there is even a bandage not to notice, they have extremely poor color rendering. The tanker even got out of the turret to further assess the situation, and apparently from fatigue, as soon as he saw the V sign, he opened fire indiscriminately. Then the second tank opened fire on the car parked on the road.

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