Percy’s Powders is back in stock. Unlisted Video

2 years ago

Today, we want to tell you the story of Percy Weston, a legendary Australian, who came up with these powders.
Percy was born (1903) and raised in the Ovens Valley near the Victorian Alps.

When he was 5 he nearly became paralysed from the phosphorus fumes of striking a few matches to light a candle.

Later on he discovered that the phosphorus in rabbit bait gave him terrible nausea and headaches if he caught a whiff of it.

Eventually, Percy studied science and was preparing himself to go to University to become a Doctor when cattle thieves robbed his father’s farm and the money dried up.

Percy went back to take over the farm and he used his keenly developed eye for cause and effect on the family property.

Nature is our best teacher and in Percy’s case, it became his laboratory.

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