Fact #14: First Black Woman in Military Pretended to Be a Man

2 years ago

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Background Music Credit:
Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/A41A0XeU2ds

Did you know that an African American woman faked being a man to serve in the Civil War?

Cathay Williams grew up a house slave in Missouri. Union forces nabbed her hometown of Jefferson City in 1861. Captured slaves were forced to serve in military support roles, so Cathay ended up cooking and washing.

Cathay wanted to do more. Since women weren’t allowed to serve, she posed as a man. Enlisting under the name William Cathay, she told the recruiter she was a 22-year old cook. Somehow an Army surgeon didn’t realize she was a woman and determined that she was fit to serve.

Cathay served alongside her male cousin, who kept her gender a secret. After two years of service, she was found out by a doctor that was treating her and was given an honorable discharge.

Cathay tried applying for a disability pension a few years before her death. Although she had neuralgia, diabetes, walked with a crutch, and had all her toes amputated, she was denied twice.

More than 400 women posed as men so they could serve in the Civil War. However, Cathay was the only African-American woman to do so.


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