Now You See It. Now You Don't

2 years ago


A great magician caper? Father Vic had to be smiling down from Heaven when the Saint Peter's Peacocks managed to violate public health guidance, practice to make a better team and make the March Madness championship, but this latest twist in a developing caper crime story has got to have Father Vic rolling on the floors of Heaven, especially after the notorious joke by the Black Jesuit, Cardinal Arupe, when the people of Jersey City decided to draft him to run for Mayor, after old Democrat Mayor Whalen, and holdover hack from the Mayor Hague machine, found himself in prison.

According to the story, Cardinal Arupe had to draft a letter to convince Father Vic to honor his vow of obedience to the Pope and not seek electoral office. However, he knew that becoming the king of a kingmaker district was quite a tempting offer, and also knew, giving an indication of Vatican intelligence, that Father Vic was a kid from Brooklyn who had at least a little savvy to understand his meaning, especially with a guy who loved his ponies as much as his Peacocks. And, Cardinal Arupe wrote that if Father Vic decided to go against the wishes of His Holiness the Pope, he wanted to have the garbage contract, which on the mean streets of Brooklyn, even vicinity of Fordham University, meant to make a hit on the Pope, which terrified the chain smoker so much to death that he would light up a cigarette if you even mentioned politics in any discussion. Talk about a good psyop, right?

Well, now we have as many as 115 fetuses, but also potential allegations of spoliation against the Curtis Bay Waste Management Company, which is a violation of Federal Rule of Procedure 37(e), but worse, also, in a federal criminal investigation, a felony charge with a maximum of 20 years in a federal penitentiary and/or fine, and, according to their operating permit, they operate two such incinerators, sharing one stack, permitted to incinerate 150 tons per day each. So, why would anybody say they don't have an incinerator?

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