Stay Safe

2 years ago

The decontextualised use of 'stay safe' continues to be popularised. I see it in email signatures, I hear it when people say has become a maudlin mantra of our times. I feel the deep dis-harmony it plucks on the strings of my heart. It is fear-generator; disempowering syllables; putrifying prose.

Hearing 'stay safe' from the mouths of those deep in dis-ease is a dissonance my being could no longer bear to receive silently.

I am sharing this poem as a celebration of your sovereignty. May you know it as such.

You are Infinity discovering itself through You. You are safe in the arms of the Beloved in ways our impoverished society could never comprehend.

May we all remember the Divine Dance and sway in concert to the Heavenly Melody.

I love you
Nathan at

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