confession to the vortex (internet)

2 years ago

we had a visitor last night
so my fren had all this weed, right..
long story short, ended up getting high last night
such a good song
"i'm lookin for my girlfriend, she's passed out on the floor"
a whole yr since i smoked regular ass weed
i gotta be careful cos the thc content is pretty intense these days
amazing sense of humor, so true!
i don't even know who you are and i hate you
i never made a formal commitment
as long as it doesn't hinder your spiritual growth
if you use a tool wrong, you hurt yourself
don't wanna abuse marijuana
aim less, such a brilliant take
plz do not crash
stop following me, bitch
it's all about me, you guys
my dad was right about me after all
whenever you fall off, God's waiting
Lord knows, such a comfort
God will give me back my train of thought whenever i deserve it
perfect smoking road right here
i gave myself some time away from weed to really understand it
we drive on both sides cos fuck it
anything can be good if you know how to use it
crazy ass weather, trigger
technology is more addictive than crack/heroin
nobody says, i wish i had my phone
official failure

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