Welcome to the Bandoles Family's "Ausome Familia" page!
We're the Bandoles family – Roland and Grace, and our only amazing son: Zion (12). Our journey with autism began when Zion was diagnosed at age 3, and it's been an adventure of growth, love, and discovery ever since.
Our familia isn't just ausome - we're neurodiversely ausome! Zion’s autism isn't a limitation; it's his superpower.
This page is our way of sharing our vibrant life, celebrating our victories (big and small), navigating challenges, and connecting with other families on similar journeys. Here, you'll find snapshots of our daily life, tips we've learned along the way, and plenty of moments that make us laugh, cry, and grow stronger together.
From sensory-friendly recipes to inclusive community events, from Zion’s latest achievements to our family's adaptation strategies, we're here to show that love, understanding, and a good sense of humor can turn any family into an Ausome Familia.
Join us as we embrace neurodiversity, break stereotypes, and spread awareness - one post at a time. Bienvenidos to our world where different isn't less, it's just ausomely unique!
#AusomeFamilia #EmbraceNeurodiversity #AutismAwareness #FamiliaFirst
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Joined Jul 24, 2024
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