Master Jaime is my name in the M2M BDSM scene >>>
***Memorable gay bar experiences>>> The Saint (Fort Lauderdale), Twist (South Beach, Miami), The Stonewall (New York), The Argos (Amsterdam), Admiral Duncan (London), Segretas Disco (Milano), Pan Disco (København). There was also Glada Ankan (Karlstad, Sweden); but this was not a gay bar per se, it was the local social venue for non conformists where LGBTQi were welcome. When I turned 21 in 1996, I ventured into The Tunnel in NYC; not a gay bar per se but nevertheless memorable.
These experiences took place between 1997 and 2013. In the mid-2010's the apps (Grindr) took over and killed the gay bar. :(
(Except in South Beach, Miami where TWIST is still going strong...)
Authorship for the video image and voice content, as well as responsibility for messages communicated, in all Rumble channels under the neosyndic account belongs to Miguel Angel Torres [the same person as Andrew(s) Nicolas Moran].
The account itself jointly belongs to Miguel Angel Torres (person depicted in the videos) and Carmen L. Telfort (Florida, USA). Andrew(s) Nicolas Moran (legal name in the U.S.A.) is the same person as Miguel Angel Torres (established name in The Netherlands and Sweden-Norway).
The requirement to Comply with Rumble terms & rules is acknowledged.
The reason I do not activate premium features on this account is that I review and critique advertising content on YouTube and Rumble (I am a marketing & sales worker). I encourage all my viewers (if any) to activate premium features on Rumble. It makes the app much more fun! 😎👍
My YouTube Exhibit Channel >>>
My primary -but not exclusive- target audience are English fluent members of Generation Z (people born between 1996 and 2012). I am Generation X (people born in the 1970s).
I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT claim any authority. I only am an ant in the forest, the voice of NOBODY in the wilderness.
I am nothing special, nobody is.
Copyright Disclaimer: Under United States, United Kingdom, Australian and Canadian copyright law I am allowed to quote material from purposes of informing, education or parody. Plagiarism means using someone else's work without giving them proper credit. In all my videos I cite the sources and provide links to the sources. I am primarily, but not exclusively, a reviewer of political and theological ideas / concepts, articles, films, TV series, Tarot decks, Occult arcane and books. My intention is to bring visibility to non-conformist content makers whose "voices in the wilderness" are ignored or marginalized in the so-called "mainstream" (specially as it relates to social revolutionary politics or heretical theology).
You Tube Channel Human Rights Disclaimer:
YouTube Channel Copyright Disclaimer:
The working language for the channels I maintain on YouTube and Rumble is English.
There are no restrictions on freedom of speech or expression in The Netherlands, with the exception of hate speech. Criticism and dark humor/parody does not equal hate speech.
Canada Copyright Act: "Fair dealing for the purpose of research, private study, education, parody or satire does not infringe copyright." (Part III, Exceptions: Fair Dealing)
Educational use of copyright material (UK): "The aim of the new copyright exemptions, brought into force in October 2014, is to widen the scope for educational purposes, from the use of copyrighted materials in research and study to teaching materials. Copyrighted works can now be more easily quoted (as long as such quoting is reasonable and fair)."
Educational use of copyright material (Australia): "Fair dealing exceptions allow use of copyright material for the purposes of review or criticism, research or study, parody or satire, new reporting, judicial proceedings or legal advice."
Educational use of copyright material (USA): "The fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phono-records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright." Section 107 of the Copyright Act (1976, last amended in 2020)
I wish to thank Rumble for allowing me to utilize their platform as an exhibit space for my video work. My content work has been censored on Facebook, Instagram,You Tube and TikTok (but NOT on @Threads, Gab, X or on Truth Social).
The original intent of this multi-channel project was/is the positive exercise of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights and Articles 18 & 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I understand that I deal in controversial occultist, aesthetic, political and theological perspectives/concepts. If anyone is offended by what I express in the video content, please do not take it personally ! What you watched or heard was/is only a form of post-metamodern protest video artwork presented (in part) as hyper-realist satire adapted to a post-truth cultural environment. Nothing else.
For Free Speech to exist for all, The Devil must have Free Speech. A truth spoken by The Devil remains a truth, as Charles Taze Russell observed.
Glenn Greenwald, Toronto (Canada) speech "Defending Your Human Right to Freedom of Expression" (May 10, 2024) >>>
About Author of Videos:
**** News Media I Consume >>>
(Rightside Broadcasting Network / MAGA)
>>> /// PATRIOT.TV Live Stream /// >>> (Austrian School / Anarcho-Capitalist) (Marxist-Trotskyist / North Tendency, Ex-Healyite) (Evangelical Prophetic Press)
proletä (Svensk marxistisk leninist) (progressiv evangelikal) *ceased print publication in December 2024.
Disclaimer: My approach to interpretation of current events and historical analysis is not based on western formal logic (X=X); rather my approach is based on Hegel-Marxist and Buddhist Dialectics (X is an illusion).
The Dialectical Materialist Method >>>
Buddhist Logic >>> Graham Priest: Buddhism and Science >>>
***I am not associated with any of the above websites, podcasts, lecturers or publications; I only follow and am informed / inspired by their work.
**** My World Bio >>>
My world is Florida (USA), The Netherlands and Sweden-Norway. I arrived into the world in South Florida (Dade County) in 1975. Transited through Montreal, Quebec in 1998. Arrived in Amsterdam at age 24 in April 1999; returned in 2016 and in 2022 to Rotterdam. Arrived in April 2001 at age 26 into Denmark; into Sweden on June 10, 2001; into Norway in August 2003. I exited Sweden-Norway (by way of København) in 2024 at age 49. I end my journey in the Caribbean (Netherlands Antiles) relatively near to where I originated (return to the source).
Long ago (for brief periods); I have been a slacker non-conformist in New York City, Philadelphia, Istanbul, Milano, Athens, London, Tenerife, Hamburg and Berlin.
****My "Credentials" >>>
* High School graduate (1993, FL USA)
* Completed college credits (1994-1997 / South Florida) towards a bachelors degree in European History (major) and Social Psychology (minor), but abandoned the Bachelors degree project in Amsterdam after April 1999 and opted for Business School instead.
* Business School (A.I.T.A., 2000 / Amsterdam NL) / e-commerce marketing & sales program.
* Manual Labor (2009-2012): Furniture upholstery, carpentry and antique furniture restoration apprenticeship & small business management practical experience. Hammarö, Sweden.
* Knowledge Labor (2011-2022): Freelance English Tutor & Business English consultant for private clients (High School, Business School and University students). Karlstad & Örebro, Sweden.
*Business: From 2006 until 2022; worked the Scandinavian (SweNor) Grey Market as a GIG worker on an "on the side basis": gardening, professional cleaning & private courier.
***Legal Disclaimer***
I have never had any involvement with the narcotics red/black market; either as a contrabandist, distributor, warehouser or direct seller in North America or Europe.
I have never been involved in any type of human slave trade activity.
I may or may not have engaged in Grey/ Black Market Activity with THE HOLY SPIRIT (Vodka from Holy Russia); I can Neither Confirm nor Deny it.
*** Keep in mind that "experts" can be paid to say what someone wants them to say; for example when the fossil fuel industry hires "experts" with certain academic credentials to deny climate change or when Jehovah Witnesses ask converts with "scientific backgrounds" to deny evolution and endorse creationism. Allowing only vetted "experts" to speak about specific theological, historical or political issues is a way to muzzle and limit freedom of speech. There is nothing wrong with self research or formulating an individual perspective or interpretation of history, politics or theology.
Additional Details
Joined Oct 30, 2022
11,979 total views
433 videos