Guidelines to the Coming Chaos
This presentation is focused on preparing for the chaos which seems headed our way between now and the election as well as immediately following the election. Since we can no longer rely upon Science, History, Government, Economic Theory, Mass Media or the so called professionals, we need to utilize alternative ways to both understand and discern what’s going on around us. Since much of the empirical methodologies are not reliable, we will attempt to discern what is going on from a spiritual perspective. As Paul Harvey used to say, here’s the rest of the story.
Who's Running the World
We need to understand the real motivations and reasons each individual, group, organization, business or player does what they do. We need to stop perceiving things from the stand point of what we want to be true or how things look and embrace the fact of how they really are. Discerning which camp all the players are in, will help you understand why they do what they do and likely what they are going to do next
Who's Running the World
We need to understand the real motivations and reasons each individual, group, organization, business or player does what they do. We need to stop perceiving things from the stand point of what we want to be true or how things look and embrace the fact of how they really are. Discerning which camp all the players are in, will help you understand why they do what they do and likely what they are going to do next
State of the World & What Can You Do?
It’s getting very difficult to separate what’s going on in global markets, banking and international politics. There is an all-out war being waged on multiple levels and fronts, this will be our focus in today's video.
The Art of War
Scripture has clearly told us that various events and shakings are coming. Regardless of our state of preparedness, belief or opinion, what has not been discussed is what do we do when these events are happening and/or have happened. How do we live in a war zone, spiritually and physically? How might this tangibly play out and what should and shouldn't we be doing depending on the circumstances unfolding around us?
US Banking Crisis & CBDC July Launch
Two of the largest US Banks failed, both focused on technology and digital currency and on the same day Silicon Valley Bank failed, the US announced the July Launch of the US CDBC. The banking crisis is not over, they stopped the bleeding, but how long will that reprieve be? This presentation will focus on why did these banks fail, when it could have easily been prevented and how does the US digital currency launch, coincide with the banking crisis and what are some things you can do to protect you and your family from both?
What is the World Economic Forum?
What is the World Economic Forum (WEF), where did they come from and what in their own words do they want to accomplish? This presentation will discuss these questions and summarize what went on in their most recent meeting.
What & Who Determined Scripture to be Scripture
I believe it's critically important we understand the process and events in which Biblical canon historically, archaeologically, theologically, as well as spiritually, was formed. Because it was this process that determined the current doctrinal structures and what is considered scripture and what is not. It is important to understand the formation of doctrine and the canonization process, how, when, where, why it happened and who was involved in the process and what was going on at the time, that may have influenced the outcome.
What's Next
Things are about to radically change in the state of MI and we need to think through, pray through, strategize and be ready for the changes that are coming. We need to clearly understand where we are, shift our focus and change what we were doing before to deal with the conditions we now live in.
US Moving Toward Digital Currency Nov 1, 2022 Update
The US move toward a digital currency reset is accelerating and so are many other nations. This presentation will discuss all the recent actions and how quickly this could happen.
Here is the link to my crypto basics video:
Here is my handout on crypto:
The Not Yet's
In Matt 24:5-14 The Not Yets must happen before the Tribulation. Don't be fooled by the enemy into thinking the Not Yets are the Tribulation.
Where Are We Now & What May Be Next?
Two years ago we were all hungry for information, because we didn’t understand what was going on. No one was sure what was real, what was true or what was false. Things are very different today than they were in 2020. Today people are much more knowledgeable about viruses, vaccines, election fraud, government corruption especially the intelligence agencies, big tech censorship and so much more. This presentation will look at where we are now and what may happen next.
Layers, Upon Layers, Upon Layers
What is the most important issue, what should we be focusing on and where did the issues of our day come from? Who or what is the real enemy on whom should we set our sights and spend our efforts? Why is it that nothing seems to be getting done or are any of these problems getting solved? This presentation attempts to peel back the veneer and focus on what’s inside the package, not what the elite want us to look at.
Summary of Parallel Societies
How do you circumvent circumvention, how do you work around or work without the societal systems around you if you, your family, your business, fellow believers and those around you get canceled or ejected from the mainstream systems around you? We need to understand, address and have a plan in place before things get any more difficult than they already are. We need to create parallel societies, communities of like-minded people and believers who can function with or without the existing worldly systems.
The End Time Remnant
The enemy is scrambling and he is desperate because the end time remnant is rising and beginning to come together. And even though he knows that those in the world outnumber those in the Kingdom, he also knows that the remnant will be his undoing. He is not used to being caught by surprise, and he knows that this is only the beginning. The gates of hell have been storming the gates of the church for all eternity, but the enemy knows that the rise of the end time remnant changes everything. He knows that God’s end time remnant will turn the tables and instead of staying behind the walls in a siege mentality, the remnant will turn and bring the battle to him, and storm the gates of hell. Believers must make the paradigm change; they need to be to understand they are not the majority, they are not going to take over Congress, they are not going to take over the pagan society around them, and they are not going to establish an earthly kingdom. This is what people expected Jesus to do and He didn’t do it and neither will we. When Jesus returns He will do it, until then we are supposed to be God’s End Time Resistance, who against all odds and overwhelming earthly power and numbers, are able to win battle after battle against the evil empire and forces of darkness, principalities of the air and wickedness.
We need to discuss what protocols to put in place, so when things happen, you have what you need and you know the course of action you want to take. Indecision and lack of planning has consequences. Winston Churchill summed it up when he said: “The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.”
FDR Bankruptcy, Post WWII & The Globalist Community (1948-1982) P-4
Part 4 discusses the FDR bankruptcy, establishment of Income tax and what happened after WWII as well as the changes brought on by the German scientists & SS officers, which helped form the CIA, NSA, NASA & other government entities. In the 1960s just as President Eisenhower warned, the people and its elected officials lost control of these clandestine agencies and the entrenched DC bureaucracy.
Globalist Dark Cabal 1880-1950 (P-3)
In this video we discuss what happened after the Civil War, the establishment of the US Central Bank, WW I, WW II and some of the historical figures and groups who were intricately involved and actually planned how everything played out.
Basic Gardening
This presentation on basic gardening, provides some simple and inexpensive ideas on ways to garden.
States v Federal Government is Another Civil War Brewing?
In the 1860s the US became divided based on race, slavery and white supremacy. France and England were actively influencing the narrative, hoping that what they couldn’t accomplish by a war could be accomplished by America destroying itself from within, after which they were posed to easily take over what remained. In the 2020s the same narrative and game plan is again attempting to divide America and just like 160 years ago the real goals and objectives are only being whispered. A growing number of states are resisting the narrative and a new civil war is brewing which may not evolve into a shooting war, but refusal to follow federal mandates and secession could happen just like it did before. This will be the focus of this presentation.
Image of the Beast v The Beast & Dark Cabal P-1
Image of the Beast v The Beast & Dark Cabal part 1 discusses the formation, revisions & splits that went on in Free Masonry & other esoteric groups between 1500-1700 in Europe and one of the first attempts to create a new world order.
Financial Preparation
In conjunction with the end time instructions Jesus shared in Matthew 24 & 25, The Parable of the Talents is focused on taking the resources He has given us and doing something with them. It doesn’t matter how much we have but that we utilize and position those resources wisely according to His direction. I will give an economic update we can discuss the economic changes that are coming our way, especially as it relates to the digitization of both world currencies and global markets, and how to prepare for these changes.
Preparations Basics
Food, water and heat are the three most basic needs. This presentation is to help you begin figure out how to start preparing in the simplest and least expensive manner so as to achieve the most basic and necessary objectives.
Digital Currency Basics
(5.6.21) Fulton Sheen-Episode 015-Sustainable Pioneering Podcast
In Such A Time As This
The world was forever changed in 2020 and it will never be the same, it was the year of “never happened befores”. The “never happened befores” are continuing and 2021 is already lining up to be even more volatile than 2020, with both the federal government and many state governments passing legislation which diametrically opposes one another, setting up a guaranteed confrontation in the near future. How might this confrontation between the Federal government and state governments play out and how might the covid restriction weary US citizens react to the radical changes being pushed by the current administration and Congress.
If you have any questions or would like information, check out my blog where you can contact me and find other content I've published.