Episode 37: When All Else Fails, Laugh
In this episode, join us as we explore 'When All Else Fails, Laugh'. Even when things are really hard and we are down in the dumps, laughter can turn everything around. I was tired of failing every single resolution I had ever made. I thought about it and what I really wanted was joy. I decided to laugh 400 times and a day and my world changed. Your world can change too!
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Dad's advice
2. Cartoons make everything better
To find out all about how I learned to laugh through life, you can grab a copy of my book, Turn Your Family Around with Laughter: https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Your-Family-Around-Laughter-ebook/dp/B09C47QDBG/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3U6M0NK6GU1I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2VZa083mQprq64bB-Oo5IbIua0N5WhJmIei2-VwE97vGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.n7BQ54vFBSEfjQdu57907OGQhJX3SPqKxhqPED__QRw&dib_tag=se&keywords=elise+hittinger&qid=1722896917&sprefix=elise+hittinger%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-2
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48666/laughter-conquers-fear-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 36: You Are Not Alone in Your Fear
In this episode, join us as we explore 'You Are Not Alone in Your Fear'. I felt so alone! I needed support from people that had been through fear and didn't just think "Get Over IT". There are a lot more people out there just like you and we can support each other!
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Find internal support
2. Find external support
For those that are ready to feel great again, check out the amazing program I used to feel great again: https://elisehittinger.com/page/11-day-jumpstart-lead-magnet-landing-page---for-cutting-edge-members
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48619/you-are-not-alone-in-your-fear-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 35: Painful Joints Can Increase Fear
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Painful Joints Can Increase Fear'. I was so surprised that I was stiff and achy. I felt old. I promised I would never let this happen, yet happen it did. It contributed to my fear! I share my thoughts about this in this podcast.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Hesitation from pain can impact safety
2. Becoming pain free opens up the rest of life
For those that are ready to feel great again, check out the amazing program I used to feel great again: https://elisehittinger.com/page/11-day-jumpstart-lead-magnet-landing-page---for-cutting-edge-members
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48613/2-ways-pain-can-affect-your-riding-fear-knee---hip---back-oh-my-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 34: Socks Linked to Fear?
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Socks Linked to Fear?'. Feeling stiff, gaining weight, brain fog can just creep in over time if we let it. For me, putting on my socks one day was a wake up call! I realized I wasn't going to be able to sit on the floor and play board games with the grandkids and that was not acceptable.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Look for things to celebrate
2. Plan how you will celebrate
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48523/socks-linked-to-fear-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 33: The Power of Standing Still for our MIND
In this episode, join us as we explore 'The Power of Standing Still for our MIND'. There is so much power in standing still with our mind. We are used to going, doing, pushing all the time but there is power in not doing, going, or pushing once in a while. Just standing still with our mind.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Practice being still, mind and physically
2. Increase intensity of still.
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48522/the-power-of-the-pause
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 32: Celebrating Victories
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Celebrating Victories'. Cheer for all the little and big successes! Just like when your favorite teams win a game, we can celebrate our own victories and cheer ourselves on!
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Look for things to celebrate
2. Plan how you will celebrate
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48359/can-reflecting-on-our-rides-help-us-overcome-fear-and-anxiety-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 31: Gear Stomps Fear
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Gear Stomps Fear'. I wear a life jacket riding! I figure if it helps me feel safe on the jet ski, might as well try it on the horses! There are so many things we can do to improve our safety which reduces our anxiety and fear.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Rider Gear
2. Extra Safety Equipment
3. Your Plan
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48447/three-categories-of-gear-stomps-fear-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 30: From Setbacks to Stepping Stones
In this episode, join us as we explore 'From Setbacks to Stepping Stones'. When things get a little wonky, we can use that to make the future better. Those setbacks become our future path back to joy.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Review the setbacks and what happened right before them
2. Develop a solution preventing the issue
3. Give yourself permission to dismount.
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48368/3-tips-to-help-prevent-setbacks-riding
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 29 : Reflecting on Your Rides
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Reflecting on Your Rides'. Remembering what it was like when we enjoyed our riding and celebrating that time, can help us with the feelings to do that again.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. What are your favorite rides?
2. What could you have done better on your rides?
3. What are your favorite rides?
For a little more help, join my 8 week personalized Courage Coaching Program: https://elisehittinger.com/page/coaching
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48359/can-reflecting-on-our-rides-help-us-overcome-fear-and-anxiety-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 28: Plastic Bag Blowing
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Plastic Bag Blowing'. Is it us or is it them when things get spooky? I may have stumbled into just how much we are the factor in how our horses behave.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
Is it us or is it them?
Start building courage with your horse, your partnership is like having the sword and shield: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/3-ways-to-build-courage
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48304/do-horses-know-when-we-are-afraid-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 27: 4 Easy Steps For Your First Rides
In this episode, join us as we explore '4 Easy Steps For Your First Rides'. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in excuses, we never take the steps to start riding again. I make it easy with my 4 steps to jump back in the saddle again and enjoy riding.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Set a plan
2. Know what you will do if "things" happen
3. Go just to the edge of your comfort zone and take one step
4. Donkey Kong (Warwick Schiller)
Start overcoming fear by learning 3 ways to build courage with your horse : https://elisehittinger.com/landing/3-ways-to-build-courage
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48303/4-steps-to-handle-nerves-on-first-rides-back-in-the-saddle
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 26: Deep End vs Tiny steps
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Deep End vs Tiny steps'. Are you one of those people that just dives in and figures it out as you go, or are you more of a dip your toe in the water and then a little more and then a little more? I talk about the two extremes and how they apply to courage and fear.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
1. Trying to do too much
2. Not doing enough
3. It's just right
Start building courage with your horse, your partnership is like having the sword and shield: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/3-ways-to-build-courage
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48169/three-techniques-for-keeping-my-horse-engaged-while-riding
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 25: Chicken Posting
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Chicken posting'. There are so many things wrong with that statement that crack me up. We are talking about flapping our wings while riding. We are talking about movement while riding. With movement in our bodies, there isn't space for tension.
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
Movement while riding
Start overcoming fear by learning 3 ways to build courage with your horse : https://elisehittinger.com/landing/3-ways-to-build-courage
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48238/how-to-stop-anxiety-while-riding-a-horse
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 24: Techniques for Staying Focused in the Saddle
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Techniques for Staying Focused in the Saddle'. There is only one person that can make decisions for us and our horses. That is US. There are so many trainers, friends, family that think they know better and their input can be valuable, but it still rests on us, to do what is right for us and our horses.
1. Have a conversation with the horse like you would your best friend
2. Play with movement
3. The Police technique of Focus
Start building courage with your horse, your partnership is like having the sword and shield: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/3-ways-to-build-courage
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48169/three-techniques-for-keeping-my-horse-engaged-while-riding
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 23: Can Boggarts Help us with Riding Fear
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Can Boggarts Help us with Riding Fear'. Ok, I admit it, I am a Harry Potter fan. I love all the lessons in those books and movies. One of my favorite scenes applies to us riders that have a little fear or anxiety and it is overcoming Boggarts!!! Turning fear into laughter.
1. They take the shape of our fear
2. There is a tool to help us - Riddikulus - Clear and Concise
3. The most powerful funny memory to laughter
If you haven't seen the movie, here is the clip that is so amazing!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PWKFyhJ2h4
Start overcoming fear by making better choices. Not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong choice: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/choices
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48145/3-steps-to-train-your-mind-to-overcome-fear
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 22: Myth vs. Fact
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Myth vs. Fact'. There is only one person that can make decisions for us and our horses. That is US. There are so many trainers, friends, family that think they know better and their input can be valuable, but it still rests on us, to do what is right for us and our horses.
Episode 22: Myth vs. Fact
1. You need to sell your horse
2. Show that horse who is boss
3. You are alone
Start overcoming fear by making better choices. Not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong choice: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/choices
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48088/myth-vs-fact-addressing-horse-riding-fear
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 21: Genie on Your Shoulder
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Genie on Your Shoulder'. What if there is a power listening to your every word and every thought? Would it change what you think and speak?
1. Words are powerful
2. Outcomes of your words and thoughts
3. Set Realistic Expectations
Start overcoming fear by making better choices. Not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong choice: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/choices
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48085/can-horses-understand-you-the-power-of-words-in-communication
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 20: Navigating Your First Rides
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Navigating Your First Rides'. Know that excitement and anxiety are very close to the same feelings in our bodies. We can use that to our advantage as we get on again. We can prepare to mount. We can also set realistic expectations for our first rides back.
1. Understanding the Emotions
2. Preparation is Key
3. Set Realistic Expectations
Start overcoming fear by making better choices. Not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong choice: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/choices
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/48025/5-steps-on-how-to-get-back-into-horse-riding-after-a-long-time
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 19: Mental Ride Prep Tips
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Mental Ride Prep Tips'. Let's get prepared! First we can understand mental prep and why it matters. Then we can put together a mental prep process so we know we are ready to ride!
1. Understanding Mental Prep
2. The whole mental package
3. Create your own mental prep process
Start overcoming fear by making better choices. Not making a choice can be worse than making the wrong choice: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/choices
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47985/five-tips-on-how-to-build-your-rider-confidence
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 18: Visualize Riding Success
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Visualize Riding Success'. If we can use our mind to create all these yucky thoughts of things we don't want, why not use our mind to create pictures, sounds, feelings we DO want? I share why this helped me so much and how you can get started.
1. The power of visualization
2. Sample - Mine (All the senses)
3. How to create your own
Start overcoming fear by becoming that kid you used to be with my free guide, 5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/5-ways-to-feel-like-a-kid
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47873/why-am-i-not-motivated-to-ride-my-horse-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 17: Laughing Your Way Out of Fear
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Laughing Your Way Out of Fear'. Nobody said we had to remember things as they really happened. (We don't remember them exactly anyway). So why not make the memories funny? Find ways to laugh about the memories that you don't like. I give you permission to remember things the way you want to make it funny!
Cartoon Your MEMORIES!
Start overcoming fear by becoming that kid you used to be with my free guide, 5 Ways to Feel Like a Kid Again: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/5-ways-to-feel-like-a-kid
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47872/how-to-get-rid-of-a-boggart-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 16: Afraid of Our Thoughts
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Afraid of Our Thoughts'. This is something I heard recently that blew my mind….poof. I am still processing it but wow, not only does it shift those fearful thoughts in my head, but it explains them which is powerful.
Quote by Ali Campbell - "We are not afraid of what we think we are afraid of……We are Afraid of what we think…"
Grab my free ebook, the Ultimate Guide to Courage Pennies that is just simple easy ways to fill you up with courage in the little things every day. https://elisehittinger.com/landing/couragepennyebook
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog with further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47758/why-are-we-afraid-of-our-own-thoughts-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 15: Learn to Let Go
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Episode 15: Learn to Let Go'. We carry around so much weight in unwanted emotions. Fear and anxiety hold us down, hold us back. When we start to let it go, we feel lighter and that feels so good!!
Overcoming triggers the Red Car/Blue Car theory
Start overcoming fear with filling up with courage pennies with my eBook gift for you: https://elisehittinger.com/landing/couragepennyebook
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47755/how-to-get-over-horse-riding-fear-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 14: Bonding Through Grooming
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'Bonding Through Grooming'. I love bonding with my horses through grooming. It is so rewarding to see them come out of their shells, to blossom as we interact and I listen to them. Being with them, in the moment has helped my relationship tremendously.
1. Find as many itchy spots as you can find
2. Play with the feet
3. Find the tense muscles and get them to relax
Grab my free ebook, the Ultimate Guide to Courage Pennies that is just simple easy ways to fill you up with courage in the little things every day. https://elisehittinger.com/landing/couragepennyebook
If you want to use my full process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47685/how-do-i-stop-being-nervous-around-horses-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!
Episode 13: How do you appear to your horse?
Turn Fear Around Podcast is filled with simple methods that can be used to overcome fear and anxiety. They are short - 5 to 10 minutes usually, so that you can spend the time practicing and more importantly, DOING. You can always re-listen if you would like!
In this episode, join us as we explore 'How do you appear to your horse?'. This hit me hard. How do my horses see me? What would they change about me? What do I look like from their perspective. It was a powerful exercise to really see me, from their perspective. My failures, my successes, and what I could do better.
1. What would your horse say about you?
2. Have your horse respond to your thoughts - ask - tell
3. Put yourself in your horses shoes - what would you change? What would you keep the same?
If you want to use my process to regain your courage, you can get it in my book here: Amazon.com: Rise From Fear To Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again or you can get it on my website at the bottom of the homepage: https://elisehittinger.com/page/homepage
For the blog further details on the podcast: https://elisehittinger.com/blog/47684/how-do-horses-see-their-owners-
Fear to Courage Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/
Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/
Website - https://elisehittinger.com/
Thank you for watching!