



— RICHARD WAGNER 19th c. German composer.

"It is necessary for us to explain the involuntary repugnance we possess for the nature and personality of the Jews ... Judaism is the evil conscious of modern civilization."

"The Jew has never had an art of his own, hence never a life of art-enabling import... So long as the separate art of music had a real organic life-need in it, down to the epochs of Mozart and Beethoven, there was nowhere to be found a Jew composer: it was utterly impossible for an element quite foreign to that living organism to take a part in the formative stages of that life. Only when a body's inner death is manifest, do outside elements win the power of judgment in it-yet merely to destroy it. On one thing am I clear: that is the influence which | the Jews have gained upon our mental life, as displayed in the deflection and falsification of our highest culture-tendencies. Whether the downfall oJ our culture can be arrested by a violent rejection of | the destructive alien element, I am unable to decide, since that would require fore es with whose existence I am unacquainted." ( From his book Judaism in Music)



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