First, let me say THANKS and WELCOME to my channel! I hope to share information, opinions, and have discussions on topics and issues affecting Men (black men in particular but not exclusively). It seems that in today's society, war has been declared on Masculinity, and I stand firm with my shield and sword, ready to take on any and all who wish to poison or destroy my brothers 😉. I don't claim to be an expert or guru on any subject, however, after 50 plus years of living this life, I've had plenty of victories and defeats that you can definitely learn a good lesson or two from. I hope to help those who are struggling to navigate in a world that does all it can to limit our potential. It's an everyday battle fighting to become the Men we were meant to be.
Let us finish this journey with our heads up, chests out, and 10 toes down!!!
Mr. Mike M. (aka: Big Brother Mike)
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Joined Apr 7, 2024
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6 videos