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⊹⊱ Shop Artisan Decks ⊰⊹
⊹⊱ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘꜱ ⊰⊹
00:00 🌱 Intro
01:40 ♈︎ Aries
05:35 ♉︎ Taurus
09:05 ♊︎ Gemini
14:11 ♋︎ Cancer
21:07 ♌︎ Leo
26:31 ♍︎ Virgo
31:43 ♎︎ Libra
38:27 ♏︎ Scorpio
44:25 ♐︎ Sagittarius
50:49 ♑︎ Capricorn
54:07 ♒︎ Aquarius
58:55 ♓︎ Pisces
𝒜𝒮𝒯𝑅☉ 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐵𝒜𝐿 ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴘᴏʟʏᴍᴀᴛʜɪᴄ ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛ, ᴇʀɪᴄ ᴛᴇᴄᴄᴇ
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New Channel for Daily Readings: @EsotericTC
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✿ 𝒜𝒮𝒯𝑅☉ 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐵𝒜𝐿 ✿ ᴠᴏʟ . ɪ
Themed to support your Nature, Volume I features 42 curated wild plants, trees, fungi, or resin that have a rich cultural & traditional history of medicinal usage to support overall well being.
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✿ 𝒜𝒮𝒯𝑅☉ 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐵𝒜𝐿 ✿ ᴠᴏʟ . ɪɪ
Themed to nourish your Nature, Volume II features 42 curated edible vegetables, fruits, herbs, or fungi that have a rich cultural & traditional history of culinary usage; while harboring medicinal benefits.
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Themed to nurture your Nature, Volume III features 42 curated flowers inspired by Dr. Edward Bach's floral essence infusions & includes positive affirmations based off the attribute of each flower's unique essence.
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🎵 :: "Passage" - Scott Buckley
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Astro Herbal Oracle Deck created by Polymathic Artist Eric Tecce. Oracle Deck Set Collection. Hand Illustrated Self Published Vintage Medicinal Plant Oracle Deck. Herbalism & Astrology Theme Oracle Deck. Tarot & Divinitive Deck Creator. Pen & Ink of Plants Healing Nature. Indigenous, Culinary, Flower Essences. Hand Illustrated Art Drawn on Toned Paper.
#Nature #Herbalism #Astrology #Oracle #Divination #Medicinal #OracleCards #Plants #Zodiac #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces #FullMoon #August #August2024 #Tarot #Reading #Herbal #AllSigns #Timestamps
🎙️ #009 "Natural Intelligence: Zodiacal Language of Light & Astrological Sciences"🎙️ [FULL EPISODE]
Natural intelligence and the light of the sun will always guide and provide as we navigate life's challenges to explore growth and potential of Light as Light. The power of natural intelligence lies in our ability to recognize and embrace our True Nature. The Sun/Sol is a constant connection to source providing our true nature as beings of Light. As Light, we embody Light as Nature. By connecting with our own Light and the Light of the sun, we can shine brightly to positively create with Creation.
As we are both the experiencer and the experience constantly learning and evolving, we find the deeper principles of Nature & it's functions present in all aspects of fractal Light. As cycles present Light to explore variables of potential via fractal experiences, the framework of Astrology is designed to communicate these cycles and current energies our Light is experiencing. Such, the Art of Astrology serves as a language of Light which helps us navigate challenges via informed decisions from awareness to arrive at Creation's potential.
For example, in Astrology, our ascendant sign represents the rising embodiment of our Light into perceived experience, just as much as the reflected Light of experience arrives to us. As both factors occur simultaneously, we begin to see the Nature of the Ying-Yang principle with all Light. This is why Retrogrades, such as the current Saturn, Neptune, Chiron, and Mercury retrograde, offer us a chance to reorient ourselves and embrace new perspectives based off the inversion of directive influence.
As we understand the Light reflected, we too can also understand our Sol/Sun's journey relative to it's Source, the Galactic Center. These patterns arose through folklore to divide up representative bodies of Light, as constellations, which our Sun/Sol amplify into experience. By it's Nature, the Zodiac comes to embody the journey Light itself experiences through the Cosmos.
We see this clearly in the first four astrological signs; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. Each represent Light evolving Identity into Being. First from Light as Aries, then through Body as Taurus, then via Electrical connections as Gemini, followed by the emergence of the Magnetic emittance required to operate a field as Cancer. As we bring these elements together, they create the foundation for our Light to shine beyond us.
On return to the elemental of Light, the next four signs-Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio-evolve our Heart into Being as Leo, the fifth sign, embodies the radiant energy of the heart, shining its light into the world. Virgo, the sixth sign, encourages us to rebuild & explore details better in tune to our Nature's own Light. Libra, the seventh sign, reflects our inner selves out to the external world to connect with others. Once reflected, Scorpio, the eighth sign, guides us to the underworld of shadows to explore the depths of others to create anew.
For the final element of Light, the final four signs-Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces-conclude the zodiacal cycle to evolve our Soul's potential into Being. Sagittarius, the ninth sign, embodies expansion of our horizons to recognize and realize Light's potential. Capricorn, the tenth sign, then structures and develops long term systems to reach such potential. Aquarius, the eleventh sign, symbolizes the charged collective connection as opposed to the individual's Light and Heart. Finally, Pisces, the twelfth sign, signifies the closing of a cycle as the release of Light emits back into the collective ocean of consciousness to rise once more.
The navigation of these cyclic dances offer so much for Light present to access Natural Intelligence based off one's unique Nature & Light embodied upon arrival. Each with our own path, when we align our Light to Shine with our natural rhythms and embrace a healthy lifestyle, we enhance our well-being. By reconnecting with nature and embracing our unique gifts, we can shine our Light into the world and create positive change by Nature, for Nature, as Nature.
Listen on Substack:
Recorded August 1st, 2024
Runtime: 117 minutes
@EricTecce []
🎵 :: "Hymn To The Dawn" - Scott Buckley
🎙️ Lighting the Void w/ Joe Rupe - "Soul Discovery, Cycles, & Creation" w/ Eric Tecce 🎙️ [7/30/24]
Full Episode:
Recorded July 30th, 2024
Runtime: 146 minutes
Joe Rupe of Lighting The Voide & Fringe.FM
Eric Tecce
👁 Clif High's "July 15" Part II - True Star Astrology Analysis 👁 [7/11/24]
Join me as I continue to decipher the astrological events of July 15th to reveal several significant aspects that will influence our personal and collective experiences in relation to the arrival of language previously suggested. This analysis aims to provide a structured interpretation of the symbols & relations to communicate the energetic potential and lessons present in this period. I am coming to understand this as more of a "Passage of Exchange" Event.
On May 5th, Clif mentioned "July 15" as this time period, in which I replied "July 15 when the Sun (Sol) relatively opposes Pluto in Retrograde (The intersection of Spirit extending away from us). This means that the gap between the Central Sun/Heart & the intersecting waves from Spirit (& Source) are more present within our Waking Reality for this period."
As stated above, the first notable aspect is Pluto Retrograde opposing the Heart Light of the Sun/Sol, indicating a reconfiguration via transformative realizations. It's a time of shifting long-rooted minds, modalities, habits, and orientations to the narradigm. The Re-Orientation related to who we were morphs into match where & who we embody presently, growth included. It can simply arrive via awareness to change old ways still lingering to be excavated for renewed landscapes of potential. This energy is further emphasized as Venus, representing creative beauty and attractive relations, dances with the Sun/Sol's opposition with Pluto Rx. An example of this time is the emergence of AI video generation utilities (Such as Runway, Kling, and Luma) all are now gaining pace challenging the nature of traditional visual arts.
Additionally, Mercury in Leo is approaching oppositions with Saturn Rx and Neptune Rx, offering reorientation of our processing of structures and ideals. As we reconsider our connection with systems and question desire for anew, we come to radiate our processing power to trigger the reorientation of others. The arrival of AI video generation will lead into crypto and token management of utility for server and gen upkeep, as well as become tools for the individual to express and process in favor of the reorientation. Its very well possible the East's advancements in AI development may spark a flow into crypto & gen-tech that may ebb exchange and power systems of all kinds.
The Mars-Uranus conjunction will serve as sudden actions and drives that will lead to new tomorrows. This expresses increase sporadic spending of currencies, power, and energy. Important to have a proper outlet at this time as you may find yourself investing more and more energy over time as Mars approaches expansive Jupiter. I advise investing to expand creative potential that helps you shine your Nature most, this will usher a greater step forward towards transformative arrivals.
As we navigate these planetary alignments, it's essential to embrace self-awareness and listen to our inner guidance. Personal transformation and self-discovery require a return to nature to honor an authentic & true connection. By honoring our true nature and staying true to ourselves, we can navigate these energies with grace and create a better future. As we embrace the lessons and energies of this time, we are given the opportunity to re-evaluate our structures, release the past, and create a new wave of revolving light. ❂
Recorded July 11th, 2024
Runtime: 60 minutes
Eric Tecce ( @EricTecce )
🎵 :: "Light in Dark Places" - Scott Buckley
🎵 :: "Hero of the Heartlands" - Scott Buckley
⚡ Clif High's "ζRevolution" - Dick Allgire's RV Data Response ⚡ [7/7/24]
Since I delved into Clif High's emotional data for July 15th, fellow astrologers and remote viewers like Dick Allgire offered additional perspectives. In response, Clif offered a reflective analysis to Dick's RV session connecting potential towards the Vegas X Nervous System.
Looking ahead to Clif High's "July 15" event, I anticipate a buildup of magnetic influence with sudden electrical responses (Mars x Uranus), especially with a hurricane and heat storms present with us now. This prompts us to reflect on the potential external or local influences contributing to such events. As we navigate these energetic shifts, it's crucial to remember that pain is often a result of resistance or misalignment with our true nature.
Developing the idea further based off a recent magnetic experience encountered during a heat storm this week, the potential for electro-magnetic war-fair, or "EMF-Air", may already be present. As we're witnessing Hurricane Beryl build up towards Texas, I wonder if this is a natural response based off a magnetically influenced event from this week's East Coast heat wave. If so, what if additional magnetic influences to shape and direct the storm's release are both to curtail the response from Nature's ebb while potentially escalating conduction in our skies to enact weather warfair.
Geoengineering programs are keen to introduce foreign agents into our local environment to better influence at a distance. Just as introducing new animals to an ecosystem can disrupt natural balances, these human-made interventions have consequences to our health, food supply, and overall environment for future generations. We must collectively acknowledge the impact of human engineering programs to better care for our natural world. In response to these environmental challenges, many of us are seeking ways to detox and restore balance to our bodies and our home. We're embracing homesteading, backyard gardens, and exploring natural solutions for heavy metal detoxification. It's a journey of self-discovery and reconnecting with nature's healing powers.
On a broader scale, we are witnessing the political landscape's failure of governing systems to truly support their people. It's time to reclaim our power and recognize that change begins with each of us. We have the ability to shape our future and must not forget our connection to nature. Honor nature and it will nurture our true selves.
As we approach the full moon later this month, we'll also experience Chiron going retrograde. Retrogrades offer us the ability to reorient, in this case we will be able to address the wounded warrior of a spiritual nature. With the addition of 3 other retrograde planets (Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto) in this sector of the sky, I would imagine we may have the opportunity to release and lighten our karmic burdens, restrictions, and ideals later this year.
The upcoming months will provide opportunities to work on ourselves, our communities, and our connection with nature. Our individual choices have a profound impact on the collective. By choosing independence and change, we break free from limited options and create a future that aligns with our highest good. It's essential to listen to our inner guidance and stay true to ourselves, even when faced with external pressures.
As we continue our exploration, it's essential to recognize the power of embodiment and taking action. Our passions drive us forward, and we must embrace the experiences that life presents. Whether it's witnessing the beauty of nature or navigating challenging times, we are constantly shaping our reality. Through experience itself, we embody the fruit of our labor to gain a deeper understanding of the world available to us. It's a continuous journey of self-discovery and co-creation with Universe.
In conclusion, as we navigate the energetic potential of July, let's embrace transformation and embody our highest selves. Stay cool during these hot summer days, and continue to seek inspiration and growth. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and remember to always stay true to your path.
Recorded July 7th, 2024
Runtime: 102 minutes
Eric Tecce ( @EricTecce )
🎵 :: "Freedom" - Scott Buckley
🌌 Clif High's "July 15" - True Star Astrology Analysis 🌌 [7/1/24]
It's July, and I wanted to share some insights into the astrological significance of this month, particularly regarding the United States' Pluto return; marking approximately 248 years since the country's declaration of independence on July 2nd, 1776.
I've cast a chart for July 15th, 2024, at 11:11 a.m. Eastern Time for New York, and I'm intrigued by what this date has in store. Astrologers like Jeff Harman and Joseph P. Anthony have also been discussing the significance of this time, mentioning Clif High and the emotional value data he brings to the conversation.
As we approach this Pluto return, we reflect on the transformations and changes that have occurred since the birth of the nation. With the sun still in Gemini, about to transition into Cancer, and Venus sitting in Cancer as well, we are invited to explore our connections to home, family, and our inner selves. The transition from Gemini to Cancer signifies a shift from mental connections to intuition and emotion. It's about recognizing that we are not just observers but active participants in the currents of the universe. It's a time to embrace our emotions and secure comfort in our homes and localities.
July marks a significant moment in the United States' journey, as we experience the heightened light of solstice peak into the country's 248th birthday. It's a time to reflect on the transformations that have brought us to this point and to consider the potential for rebirth and renewal, especially with Eclipse season present. Pluto, currently in retrograde, is sitting at the edge of Sagittarius, moving back from Capricorn. Sagittarius, like the word sage, is the seeker of knowledge and understanding, while Capricorn is about creating systems and structures based on what we have learned.
Pluto's retrograde motion invites us to reconsider and reevaluate our systems and structures. It challenges us to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace transformation. As Pluto opposes the sun, it challenges our light and the way we connect, reflect, and create. It prompts us to reflect on our faith, learning, and discovery and to explore new potential. This period is a retrospective evaluation on where we can reorient ourselves to better align with that which is really True to our Soul.
The combination of the Sun and Venus close together in a chart creates artistic potential, a feminine concept that transforms light into beauty. It represents the beauty of self-expression and the art that comes from within. As we reflect on transformation, we may also consider the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) challenging our Venusian creative sectors of Art. AI, as a concept generator, will continue to challenge the way we communicate art by processing existing data to trigger new possibilities & potential.
In conclusion, July is a month of profound astrological significance, especially for the United States. As we experience the Pluto return and reflect on our nation's birthday, we are invited to embrace transformation and explore new potential. It is a time to connect with our emotions, challenge systems at play, and create from a place of beauty and self-expression to rebirth a better world. Let us embrace the changes this month brings and step forward into a new cycle of growth and discovery.
Recorded July 1st, 2024
Runtime: 53 minutes
Eric Tecce ( @EricTecce )
🎵 :: "Stars In Her Skies" - Scott Buckley
'Healing Nature Oracle Deck' ✿ Immunal Trinity
Support the Kickstarter:
Healing Nature Oracle Deck is a Hand-Illustrated Artisan Deck featuring 88 Medicinal Plants, Trees & Mushrooms from around the world to support optimal Health.
Flower Essences Oracle Deck is a Hand-Illustrated Artisan Deck featuring 88 Medicinal Plants, Trees & Mushrooms from around the world to support optimal Health.
Healing Nature & Flower Essences Guidebook is a comprehensive guidebook with over 300 pages of Herbal & Astrological information based off both Oracle Decks.
Created by Polymathic Artist, Eric Tecce
Discover More @
🎨 Materials:
Toned Paper (Kraft)
Pigma Micron Ink Pens
White Charcoal Pencil
🎵 by Alexander Nakarada
🌸 Preserving Flowers IV 🌸
Removing from Silica Gel. 📷 Filmed by Eric Tecce [ ]
🔮 Taurian Spirits Illustration Sheet 🔮 [Timelapse Only]
🎨 Illustrated by Eric Tecce [ ]