



Our focus is on upholding America and its core values, which includes unwavering support for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We engage in varied discussions about America, society, politics, and other topics of interest to the group.

We hold these beliefs: A patriot defends freedom of religion, irrespective of personal beliefs.

A patriot upholds the right to free speech, even when disagreeing with the speaker's views.

A patriot supports press freedom, regardless of differing opinions on the content.

A patriot respects the right to assemble, whether or not we are part of the gathering.

A patriot insists on protection from unreasonable searches and seizures, no matter who is being searched.

A patriot ensures due process rights under the law for every legal American citizen.

Remember: Diversity and open-mindedness are the keystones of meaningful learning discussions.

This group is dedicated to patriotic political discussion and information.

Additional Details

Joined Sep 18, 2020

214 total views

3 videos