Roger Stone Endorses Tom Vail for Supervisor of Elections for Lake County, FL
Roger Stone, President Trump's longest serving political advisor endorses Tom Vail for Lake County Supervisor of Elections for clean, fair, honest and transparent elections. Tom Vail will fight to ensure that voter lists are clean and accurate; that there is a clear chain of custody for mail in ballots; to ensure that there is no digital manipulation of voting machines or totals, and only legally qualified voters will be allowed to vote.
alan hays calls Tom Vail a LIAR
At a public event in Eustis, FL in February 2024, Alan Hays becomes enraged at Tom Vail for publishing and distributing information from the Florida Supervisors of Elections Inc., a PRIVATE organization whose members are ONLY elected Supervisors of Elections in Florida. The document in question is the PUBLISHED 2024 Legislative Agenda from the organization. Alan Hays claims to be the author of the document. He confronted Tom Vail in February 2024, stating that the document begin distributed was "Full of Lies." As of August 1, 2024, he has not identified ANY lies in the document produced by Tom Vail. Opinions and perspectives on the content and purpose of the "Agenda" are included on the reverse side of the document.
Your Christian Duty to Engage in Civic Life
Tom Vail speaks at New Life Baptist Church, in Leesburg, FL, on Sunday, June 16, 2024 about the Christian Duty to fight evil in society, referencing 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Ephesians 6:12. God did not put us on this earth to allow evil to rule.
About the 2024 Legislative Agenda of the FSE
The Florida Supervisors of Elections, Inc. is a private, membership only organization, whose members are ONLY elected Supervisors of Elections in Florida. This organization does training, certifications and lobbies the Florida State Legislature. This video highlights several of the negative proposals from the FSE.
Laura Loomer Speaks to South Lake Republican Club after 2000 Mules Showing
Laura Loomer, a US Congressional candidate for District 11 in Florida in 2022, speaks to the South Lake Republican Club in Clermont, Florida about 2000 Mules, the movie produced by Dinesh D'Souza about massive ballot trafficking in the 2020 election. The entire audience agrees that the 2020 Presidential Election was STOLEN.
Ballot Hand Count Demonstration June 2023
A group of Lake County, Florida volunteers conducted a demonstration of hand counting ballots using the "Missouri" method in June 2023. The test used sample ballots with 50% of the number of races typical in a Presidential Election year. The method is simple and reliable. The accusations of "human error" are overblown, and easily identified and immediately corrected during the process. The hand count can be live streamed and recorded for future review by any citizen, completely eliminating any suspicions of miscounting or manipulation.
Laura Loomer Speech after 2000 Mules movie - June 2022
Laura Loomer, 2022 Congressional Candidate in FL-11, speaks after a meeting which included a private, free showing of Dinesh D'Souza's movie, 2000 Mules, which documents the widespread ballot trafficking in 6 states which determined the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election. In particular, she identifies Congressman Dan Webster, the incumbent, as one who denies the election theft, and Alan Hays who spoke against voting for Laura Loomer in the SOE office. The audience OVERWHELMINGLY agrees that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen. In addition, Laura mentions the HUGE financial backing from Mark Zuckerburg, which helped facilitate the unattended ballot drop boxes (for the first time in history) and the fact that Alan Hays accepted a VERY LARGE sum, originating from Mark Zuckerburg.
Draza Smith Analysis of Edison Data
Daza Smith, a professional engineer with experience in time series analysis explains anomalies in 2020 Presidential Election data reporting in Tallahassee, Florida on January 14 , 2022.
Pastor Doug Bankson Presentation for OCCUPY Conference
Video presentation by Florida State House Representative and Pastor Doug Bankson for OCCUPY encouraging Christians and Pastors to get involved in government.
Behind the Scenes with Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne
A behind the scenes view of the recording of the video of Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne for the Occupy Christian Leadership Conference - recorded on January 24, 2024 and played publicly on January 27, 2024.
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne Presentation for OCCUPY Conference
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, Pastor of The River Church in Tampa, Florida and Director of an International Evangelical Ministry, speaks to Pastors and Church Leaders, explaining that they MUST stand up to influence government and politics. He also discusses his 2020 arrest for holding church services during the COVID hysteria.
Behind the Scenes with Rodney Howard-Browne - in his office
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, Pastor of The River Church in Tampa, and Director of an international evangelical ministry and a college, speaks about some of his experiences while sharing the Gospel.
Introduction to Tom Vail by Andy Dubois
Tom Vail launched his campaign for Florida State House District 25 on March 19, 2022. Andy Dubois, President of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Lake and Sumter Counties made the introduction.
Taylor Yarkosky supports Obama but not Trump
Can a Republican Candidate donate $6,000
to the anti-American Communist Hussein Obama
and still claim to be a Trump supporter
- not having donated to the Trump campaign?
Look Behind the Words
In the 2022 Republican Primary Election for Florida State House District 25, there are three candidates. Only one has been active in Republican Politics, active in the Voter Integrity Movement and active on the Streets in the 2020 Trump Campaign. Tom Vail IS connected to the Voters of Lake County. VOTE VAIL on August 23 in the Republican Primary.
Black Robed Regiment postcard project
In the 1700s, Christian Pastors in the American colonies were the thought leaders in their communities. But, they not only led their congregations in thoughts of independence, they also led their congregations onto the battlefield. The British government called them "The Black Regiment," and sometimes, the Balck Robed Regiment. The United States of America was conceived and founded on Christian principles. Dan Fisher, an Oklahoma Pastor and elected representative in the Oklahoma legislature calls for the Return of the Black Robed Regiment - the NEED for Pastors to restore their role as thought leaders in civic action. See his video on YouTube.
Republican Party and Republican Candidates
Here is a little information about the LOCAL Republican Party and LOCAL Republican Candidates - in Lake County, Florida. There are Voters who are REGISTERED to vote as Republicans and there are OFFICIAL MEMBERS of the Republican Party. The National Republican Party, the RNC, is formed of REPRESENTATIVES from the STATE Republican Parties. The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) is formed from 3 REPRESENTATIVES from EACH Local (County) Republican Committee. The "Party" does not submit candidates. They submit themselves to run, either independently, or with a committee behind them. The Lake County Republican Committee DOES NOT support one Republican Candidate over another in a contested Primary (with more than one Candidate registered as a Republican voter). By OFFICIAL Member of the Republican Party, the meaning is an ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE of the Precinct in which the voter resides.
Christian Postcard Project
America was created based on a set of fundamental principles based in the Bible and in European philosophy. Our form of government requires trust and morality in order to be effective. We have lost both the trust and the morality. It is up to Christians to restore solid moral values in our society and in our government. I have a card that I hand out which is a reminder of the close link between the Bible and our Constitution.
The Roe HOAX
The Roe v Wade HOAX decision from the US Supreme Court has FINALLY been overturned. This MORALLY AND LEGALLY faulty Supreme Court Opinion has left the US, and therefore, the entire world, living under the HOAX that killing your unborn baby was a "Right." It is not now, and NEVER has been a Right. Leftists have convinced us that we need to allow "choice" and "privacy" and "equal protection" to women. Roe v Wade was based on LIES, faulty legal reasoning and ignoring history and tradition. We are FINALLY moving our Nation back to its MORAL and LEGAL beginnings.
Debate Introduction - Behind the Scenes
On June 20, 2022, the 3 Candidates for Florida House District 25 who are ACTUALLY campaigning, took part in a remotely recorded debate hosted by WESH Channel 2, Orlando. The debate is supposed to be posted in full on their website on June 27. Tom Vail made a video recording of himself during the full debate recording, in order to have an accurate record, in the event that any part of the posted video was altered or omitted. Here is an excerpt, showing the introduction by Tom Vail.
I am the ONLY serious Candidate for Florida House District 25 in 2022
After campaigning for more than one year, one of the opposing candidates was only able to collect 102 of the 599 petition signatures (from over 100,000 registered voters in Lake County), and a "dear family friend" was unaware that he was running in this race.
Petition Method for Ballot Qualification
In Florida, there are two methods for getting on the ballot as a candidate: pay a fee or obtain signatures from registered voters. Tom Vail is the ONLY Candidate in the Republican Primary 2022 who obtained the required number of signatures. Were the other candidates working? Are they serious? Do they have voter support?
Passing Driver Triggered by "ULTRA MAGA"
TDS is still more dangerous and widespread than COVID. No TRUMP signs or TRUMP flags, but a passing driver had to stop and yell at me, while I was just having a pleasant conversation with a Voter, while standing beside my trailer, parked beside the road.