The Mystery Dispensation of Grace
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses the period of time in which we now live, and how God is working in the world at this time.
Our LORD Jesus tells us in His perfectly preserved Word, the Bible, that He revealed this present dispensation of His plans for the ages to His Apostle Paul. Through Paul we are told that we live in, "the dispensation of the grace of God... the mystery" (Ephesians 3:2-3).
Do you know what God is doing today? Have you received His free gift of membership in Jesus' Mystery Body, the Body of Christ?
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Evolutionary Lie of Recapitulation
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how the evolutionary lie of recapitulation aided in promoting the evil violence and massacre of certain tribes and groups of humanity (Adam's race) since the 19th century down to the present day.
Are you basing your thinking, worldview, and behaviour on terrible lies, lies like evolution and billions of years? Or are you basing your worldview and life on the truth, the true history, of God's Word, the Bible?
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Consequences of Evolutionary Textbook Charts
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how the widespread adoption of the lie of evolution into our children's textbooks, starting in the 19th century, gave rise to the evil violence and massacres of the 20th century - including WWI and WWII - and which also continue to this day.
Are you basing your thinking, worldview, and behaviour on terrible lies, lies like evolution and billions of years? Or are you basing your worldview and life on the truth, the true history, of God's Word, the Bible?
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The Trouble with a Symbolic or Allegorical Reading
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses the wreckage caused by failing to read the Bible literally, and instead reading the Bible symbolically or allegorically.
Did you know that Jesus took Genesis 1–11 (and all of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament) literally during His earthly ministry (recorded in the four Gospel accounts)? Should we not read Jesus' book the same way that He does?
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Embrace Jesus’ ‘Defeat’ Today, to Gain Eternal Victory Tomorrow – Mark 9:1–50
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how Jesus invites believers in Him to imitate Him, to follow Him, as He models embracing humble ‘defeat’ now, in this fleeting life, in order to gain eternal victory tomorrow. This is called ‘the Way of the Cross.’
As a great missionary of the 20th century, Jim Elliot, paraphrased this principle: “He is no fool that gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Indeed, Elliot gave his fleeting life on the mission field for Jesus and His Gospel, and gained eternal life instead.
Are you following Jesus' pattern, deferring to the Father's will, the Way of the Cross? Or do you follow myth's pattern, striving to ensnare others, seeking to crucify others, for your own gain?
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The Spirit is at War with the Flesh – Galatians 5:22–26
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses how the Christian is to yield to Holy Spirit who has indwelt him or her since he/she first believed.
It is Holy Spirit alone who can and does produce the fruit that pleases God: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith(fulness), gentleness, and self-control.
These are not works of the Christian, but the work of Holy Spirit in and through the Christian, as he/she yields to Him.
Are you yielding to Jesus' Spirit within you? Or are you yielding again to the 'old man' of the flesh?
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Nazism, Communism, Socialism and Evolution
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how presupposing the myth of evolution gave rise to the evil worldviews and practices of Nazism, Communism, and Socialism.
As a result, terrible consequences arose in the 19th and 20th centuries,
that humanity still suffers from today in the 21st century.
The world wars of the 20th century, as well as the widespread adoption of the wicked practices of abortion and euthanasia, were some of the worst results of the popularization of the myth of evolution and billions of years, and their grotesque brood: Nazism, Communism, and Socialism.
Today, many disastrous and evil social problems continue to be pushed by governments and leading mainstream institutions based on these lies.
Are you basing your thinking and worldview on terrible lies, lies like evolution and billions of years? Or are you basing your worldview on the truth, the true history, of God's Word, the Bible?
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Jesus the Creator
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses how Jesus is the Creator of the universe. As One of the Three members of the Triune God of the Bible, our LORD Jesus Christ created all things.
Did you know that it was Jesus who created you; He who also died and rose again to save you from your sins?
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Jesus Embraces Utter ‘Defeat’ to Achieve Eternal Victory – Mark 8:27–38
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how Jesus embraces the 'defeat' of the Cross of Calvary, in literal fulfillment of His prophecies of centuries before (even planned before His creation of the universe).
Jesus embraces this 'defeat' at the very moment – were He a mythological hero (which He's not) – He would be engaging in battle to defeat His enemies. Once again, Jesus proves that He, and He alone, is not mythological.
Are you following Jesus' pattern, deferring to the Father's will, the Way of the Cross? Or do you follow myth's pattern, striving to ensnare others, seeking to crucify others, for your own gain? For more:
The Flesh is at War with the Spirit – Galatians 5:16–21
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses how our sin-cursed flesh is at war with Jesus' Holy Spirit, Who has indwelt every Christian since he or she first believed in Jesus Christ.
When we believed, our 'old man' of the flesh was put to death with Jesus at the Cross; we were buried, and raised again with Jesus, in Jesus, spiritually.
However, although spiritually we are thus a new creature in Jesus, in these bodies still dwells that 'old man' of the flesh; until the Rapture, when our bodies, too, will be made perfect, as our spirits have been already.
The flesh cannot alter our eternal spiritual position in Jesus. But if we let it, the flesh can still draw us back into a sinful condition in how we think, speak, and live.
Are you yielding to Jesus' Spirit within you? Or are you yielding again to the 'old man' of the flesh?
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Evolution's Evil Fruit
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses the terrible consequences that humanity has been suffering, since the myth of evolution and billions of years were adopted as though they were scientific, beginning in the 19th century.
The world wars of the 20th century were some of the worst results of the popularization of the myth of evolution and billions of years. But today, many disastrous and evil social problems continue to be pushed by misguided governments and leading mainstream institutions, based on these lies.
Are you basing your thinking and worldview on terrible lies, lies like evolution and billions of years? Or are you basing your worldview on the truth, the true history, of God's Word, the Bible?
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Who is the Creator?
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses Who is the Creator of this universe. Since nothing comes from nothing, since every effect has a cause, since design requires a designer:
Is there a being capable of causing and designing this universe? Is there knowledge of that being available and accessible to us? Who is the Creator?
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The World's Striving against God vs Jesus' Deference to God – Mark 8:27–11:33
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how members of myth-culture progress from sameness with others, to scandal, to now, falling into the snare of striving with others. Meanwhile, Jesus once again demonstrates that He alone is not a member of myth-culture, is not mythological.
Jesus is distinct, rather than engaging in sameness with others. Jesus diffuses scandals rather than causing scandals. And now, Jesus defers to His Heavenly Father's will for Him, and for all men, the Way of the Cross, rather than falling into the snare of striving.
Are you following Jesus' pattern, deferring to the Father's will, the Way of the Cross? Or do you follow myth's pattern, striving to ensnare others, seeking to crucify others, for your own gain? For more:
The Scandal of the Cross: God's Righteousness is Yours by Faith Alone - Galatians 5:11-15
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses the Scandal of the Cross, which is that God will only accept one thing for your salvation, and for your righteousness, the Cross of Jesus Christ. You are saved and made righteous only by faith in what Jesus has done for you at the Cross.
This is the scandal of Cross. People want to do something for themselves to save themselves or make themselves righteous, good, right with God. But all our righteousness is filthy rags. We cannot be good enough.
Are you trusting in Jesus' finished work for you on the Cross? Or are you scandalized by the Cross?
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If There Was No Perfect Past, There Can Be No Perfect Future
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how there is no hope for a perfect future to come, if there was no perfect creation in the past.
If God cannot be trusted as to what He says about the beginning, then He cannot be trusted as to what He says about the end, about eternity.
What the LORD has plainly spoken about origins is literally and entirely accurate historically. Even so, and because of that, we can completely trust that God's prophecies about what will come in the future will certainly be literally fulfilled. Amen.
Are you fully believing the true history of origins? Then you have a sure and certain hope for the future. Praise the LORD!
If you're not fully believing what God says He did in the past, then you do not have a sure and certain hope for tomorrow.
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God's Revelation of the Past, Present, and Future
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses how our Creator God has revealed to us the entire sweep of time (He also reveals information on pre-time and post-time).
There is no 'pre-historic' period, as commonly claimed today. Rather, God reveals to us His original creation of time itself, from day 1 of this created universe, all the way to the last day of time, and the eternal order thereafter, when time shall be no more.
Our LORD God has organized the times into dispensations of His will. We are currently living through His sixth dispensation.
Come and discover what God has revealed to you in His perfect, and perfectly preserved, Word, the Bible.
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Everyone is Scandalized at Jesus, Even as He Offers Them Everything – Mark 3:7–8:26
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how, in Mark 3:7–8:26, we see that eventually everyone, everyone is scandalized at Jesus, despite the fact that He offers everything, everything to them.
Are you scandalized at Jesus, or accepting who Jesus is, and what He's freely offering you today?
Jesus alone can and will satiate your deepest desire, your soul's greatest needs.
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Holy Spirit Produces Faith and Love, Not Us – Galatians 5:6–10
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses how thinking that your good works – even the works of faith and love – are to your credit, is a terrible mistake.
Those 'works of righteousness' of yours, done in your flesh – circumcision, water baptism, etc. – that you think are God's will, are not His will at all.
It is Holy Spirit alone that produces in and through you – if you let Him – His gifts of faith, love, and all the riches of His grace in Jesus.
Are you yielding to Holy Spirit, who has indwelt you and sealed you in Jesus' Body since you first believed in Jesus? Are you letting Jesus' Spirit produce His work in you? Or are you quenching the Spirit?
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Man before Death, NOT Death before Man
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses how God created man BEFORE there was death of man or animal in His universe.
Contrary to the false claims of the myth of evolution, death did NOT precede man.
It was the first man's sin – Adam's sin – that caused death. For that key reason alone, evolution CANNOT be true, and evolution certainly CANNOT be part of biblical Christian belief.
Are you fully believing the true history of origins? Or are you believing the anti-biblical lies of evolution and 'deep time'?
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'The Washing of Water by the Word' – Ephesians 5:26
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses how Christians are to let Holy Spirit, speaking in and through the Bible, cleanse our minds and hearts from the old man of the flesh, and instead form us into the mind and life-pattern of Jesus Christ, in imitation of our Apostle Paul. For more:
The Stubborn Unbelief of 'Spiritual Leaders' – Mark 8:1–26
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how, in Mark 8:1–26, we see that despite Jesus' many and powerful miraculous donations and good counsels Israel, as well as to Gentiles round about, not only are Israel's leaders no more receptive or believing in Jesus, but they are even LESS receptive and believing!
In addition, and most stunning, is that we see here that Jesus' own close disciples are likewise LESS receptive and believing in Jesus!
These 'spiritual leaders' are showing that the more they are confronted with the truth, with reality, the more they harden themselves in their prior commitment to lies.
Are you allowing the Spirit of God to soften your heart and mind to the Truth, which is in Jesus, which IS Jesus? Or are you hardening your heart and mind, like the men in Mark 8?
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Beware the False Gospel of Faith Plus Works – Galatians 5:1–5
In this brief excerpt from the course, Grace, Not Law: Galatians, Dr. Barber discusses how adding any works – of the flesh and/or of the law – to Jesus' finished work on the Cross, is to claim that Jesus and His Cross are insufficient, are not enough.
No, the Gospel truth is that Jesus and what He did at the Cross are indeed enough. He completed the once for all work of salvation there. And God's requirement for our salvation and security in Jesus forever is simply and solely faith in Jesus and what He has already done for us. Amen.
Have you trusted in Jesus, thus becoming a member of Him, with His righteousness and life and freedom imputed to you, instead of your sins that once imprisoned and condemned you to eternal damnation?
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Why is there Suffering and Death?
In this brief excerpt from the course, Creation, Science and Faith, Dr. Barber discusses why there is suffering and death. This critical problem we all face can only be answered and understood by means of God's revelation, beginning in Genesis 1–11.
Many people reject the God of the Bible and the Gospel message because they blame God for all the suffering and death in the world. But is God responsible? Is He the one at fault?
Our Creator God tells us in His Book the truth of the matter. We can know the truth only on the basis of the Bible. Come and discover reality as revealed only by our God. For more:
Is Anything Beyond the Authority of Scripture?
In this brief excerpt from the course, Intro to the Bible and Theology, Dr. Barber discusses how during the Protestant Reformation of the Body of Christ, which occurred just over 500 years ago, the Holy Spirit led Christians to return to the universal and final authority of God's Word, the Bible. For more:
Jesus Corrects the Jewish Leaders' Abuse of Moses' Law – Mark 7:1–37
In this brief excerpt from the course, Jesus and Myth, Dr. Barber discusses how, in Mark 7:1–37, we see how Jesus donates correction of terrible mistakes by the leaders of Israel, who have been abusing God's Word, Moses' Law, by making the traditions of men of greater authority than God's Word.
Israel's leadership has the opportunity to receive their Messiah-King's correction, and thus become faithful to the LORD's Word, but they refuse.
As Jesus leaves Israel for a spell, to create distance and diffuse the scandal of Israel's leaders, a Gentile woman comes to Jesus to ask Him to cast a demon out of her daughter. Jesus demonstrates His identity as the Almighty Creator God in that encounter, while teaching critical dispensational truth.
Are you trusting today in the one true God, who also took on flesh and dwelt among us, our LORD Jesus Christ? For more: