My name is Jessica Bailey and I just post random videos always. I don't know what it's gonna be. It might be I'm opening A. Gel nail polish kit 1 day, putting on my make up the next day and having a breakdown. Or a freak out about my children, because they've said something outrageous again. That is not true, and it drives me nuts. So anyways, I come across really horribly. In those videos, but it doesn't really matter. In fact, it should make you wanna watch it more or do by what is she talking about and then find out what am I talking about, that'd be cool, but anyways yeah, so hope you enjoy. If you're my daughter's I love you, I miss you. I wish you were here and for everybody else. Thanks for watching. Press the like button, go ahead and subscribe. And hopefully I can start posting newer videos, but right now. I've got about 400 videos that you could watch that are way funnier than what I could ever be now. You know I was in my schizophnex. Stage back then and I just talked about everything that came to my mind. So if you like to just go down rabbit holes that are. I don't really go down rabbit holes either. So anyways have a good day.
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Joined Oct 29, 2022
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