Welcome!! 30 years experience of growing orchids are packed into this channel! Different environments; tropics, intermediate climates incl. organic and inorganic media. I chose the name of Ninja_Orchids, because orchids behave just like ninjas! They sneak up on you, they grow in stealth mode, & out of nowhere, they surprise you! 🌸 300+ orchids star in my videos, be it in tutorials, repottings, care, losses and more! 🌸 The #CareCollab initiative was brought to life to be of help to all orchid growers old & new... featuring different environments & setups, consolidated in one search.🌸Consider this channel your access to personalized 'Questions Answered' make it work for you & your orchids! If I can accommodate any questions you may have, regarding what topic you would like to see more in depth, you are very welcome to drop your suggestions in a comment. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy this channel & use it to your advantage!
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Joined Nov 29, 2020
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1,670 videos