Help Me Warn Your Local Govt. Official About COVID-19 Shot
Go to, scroll to "COVID-19 Shot Warning Template," click/touch on "CLICK TO VIEW," download PDF, indicate local government official in the "TO" space, note "DATE," and send PDF to your local elected/appointed government official on my behalf.
For additional information, click/touch on this <> Rumble link to view Thursday, August 22, 2024, "CA's 58 City Bds of Sups Notified of COVID-19 Vaccine Risks" podcast.
Thank you!
CA’s 58 Cnty Bds of Sups Notified of COVID-19 Vaccine Risks
Last month, I urged California County Boards of Supervisors (BOS) in writing to direct their County Health Officers to stop offering COVID-19 vaccine.
Before I explain further, I’ll bring you up to date since my July 4 <> podcast and my August 6 <> appearance before Sacramento County BOS.
To date, I have appeared before Sacramento County BOS on May 21, June 4, July 9 and August 6. (The reason why I appeared before this local body is becauseI have lived in Sacramento County for more than 47 years. My Dad, who is now 91, retired from the United States Air Force and relocated his family to east Sacramento in June, 1977.) Click/touch on this <> link to view my initial May 21 appearance before Sacramento County BOS.
In retrospect, I can see that those four Sacramento County BOS appearances helped me craft my message, which I have communicated in writing to California’s 57 other BOS.
Indeed, I wrote a five-page memo, which I emailed to more than 350 county elected and administratively appointed local officials throughout the state. That memo noted California Health & Safety Code 101025, which states, “The board of supervisors of each county shall take measures as may be necessary to preserve and protect the public health.” That memo urged BOS’ to direct their County Health Officer to stop promoting, administering and distributing COVID-19 vaccine “to preserve and protect the public health.”
For your information Peggy Hall (with The Healthy American), devoted her entire July 30, 2024 podcast <> on the memo I emailed to Orange County —where she lives—and California’s 57 other BOS’.
As we all remember employers told employees during the pandemic to get vaccinated or get terminated. For more than four years Hall taught thousands of people how to invoke their constitutional rights and keep their jobs.
She said, during her July 30, 2024 podcast—which to date has generated more than eleven thousand views— that employees from the Orange County Public Agency, CDC, pharmaceutical companies, EEOC, FBI, Department of Homeland Security and even the Navy SEALS called her and asked how to invoke an exemption and not take the COVID-19 jab. I also want to acknowledge Pastor Dave Hall, Peggy Hall’s husband.
Having officially notified locally elected county officials in writing that COVID-19 vaccine should not be offered, I am now appearing before BOS’ in-person.
I went to Stockton and made public comment before San Joaquin County BOS on August 13. (Click/touch on this <> YouTube link and scroll to the 53:46 mark to view my three minute public comment.)
I travelled to Placerville and spoke before El Dorado County BOS meeting on August 20. (Click/touch on this <> YouTube link and scroll to the 4:34:11 mark to watch my three minute public comment.)
Furthermore, I have provided, on my website, what I wrote to Sacramento County BOS; what I wrote to California’s other BOS’; a list of 358 recipients who received my five page memo; and template anyone, anywhere and at anytime can download and email, on my behalf, to their local public official.
Here <> is the 7/23 Sacramento County COVID-19 Vaccine Shot Warning link.
Here <> is the 7/29CA’s 57 Other Boards of Supervisors COVID-19 Shot Warning link.
Here <> is the COVID-19 CA Shot Warning Recipients link.
And here <> is the COVID-19 Shot Warning Template link.
I plan to appear and make public comment at other county BOS’ in the weeks to come.
Thank you for reading this summary and for viewing these videos.
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4. Holy Spirit Inspired me to Sing ‘Glory Hallelujah’ Worship Song, February 17, 2023, <>;
6. Ronald F. Owens Jr., <>.
"'I support stopping the vaccine,'" Sac County Supervisor Sue Frost said
Board of Supervisors COVID-19 risks warning public comment, delivered by Ronald F. Owens Jr., August 6, 2024
"On February 22, 2019, I awoke and felt chest pain. It hurt to breathe. I thought I had indigestion or pulled a muscle.
"I was going to take aspirin. But at my age, I decided to get myself checked out.
"After undergoing several tests at Kaiser I learned that I had blood clots —not in one, but in both lungs. I was immediately admitted to the hospital and was treated. I was on blood thinners for several months.
"If I took aspirin and went to work that day, I may have died.
"Fast forward to now. If I take COVID-19 vaccine, I may die.
"How many have had my pre-existing medical condition and died from blood clots, after taking COVID-19 vaccine?
"As an employee I repeatedly warned California Department of Public Health leadership about COVID-19 vaccine risks. They made it about me, and not about forty million Californians. I retired so this information will not be muzzled.
"On July 23, I emailed you a five page memo, and on July 29, I emailed a five-page memo to California’s 57 other County Boards of Supervisors.
"Those 58 memos urged 296 county supervisors to stop offering COVID-19 vaccines.
"If anyone is injured or dies receiving COVID-19 vaccine after July 23 from Sacramento County, or after July 29 in California’s 57 other counties, family could legally claim Supervisors failed to perform their duty under Health and Safety Code 101025, and failed to exercise due care to avoid harm to vaccine recipients."
Livestream at Metro Cable 14. Video excerpt produced and edited by Debbie "Red Hat."
No! Federal Health Chief Did Not Misspeak About COVID-19 Vaccine Risks!
On April 14, 2022, Xavier Becerra said COVID-19 vaccines are killing people of color… at about two times the rate of white Americans.
California Department of Public Health, my former employer, told me last year, Becerra misspoke.
Sacramento County staff indicated last month, Becerra misspoke.
—If he misspoke why did we not hear HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, Biden officials Susan Rice or Shalonda Young immediately ask Becerra to correct his misstatement?
—If he misspoke why has Becerra not retracted that misstatement and correct the record?
—If he misspoke why is that video still on the White House’s official YouTube Channel?
—If he misspoke why are people dying suddenly, like a Chinese 17-year-old badminton player, and why are millions injured?
—If he misspoke why has AstroZeneca been pulled off the market globally after it faced court pressure about blood clots.
—If he misspoke why increase cancer mortality after third mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine dose in Japan.
That medical study published in Cureus has been retracted.
—If he misspoke why are 73 percent of deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination, according to a Lancet study analyzing 325 autopsies?
That study was also pulled. Notice the censorship pattern here?
—And if he misspoke why are Utah, Kansas, Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing that COVID-19 vaccine causes myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths?
‘Vaccines are Killing People...’ Video Clip Shown to Sacramento County’s Governing Body
Sacramento County Board of Supervisors saw and heard Department of Health of Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra say “We know these vaccines are killing people of color, black, Latino, indigenous people at about two times the rate of white people.”
Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risk Warnings, cued the White House’s April 14, 2022 “Convening on Equity” summit and played that sound bite for them.
It was more effective for five-member Board, the audience and those who viewed remotely the June 4, 2024 Board of Supervisors meeting to see and hear what Secretary Becerra said rather than me tell them what Becerra said.
Livestream at Metro Cable 14. Video edited by Debbie “RedHat.”
Owens Requests Meeting With Sac County Board to Stop COVID-19 Shot
I made appointments on May 24, 2024 to meet with Sacramento Board of Supervisors Pat Hume and Phil Serna about Sacramento County administering COVID-19 vaccines.
It’s been seven days and Hume and Serna have not responded.
So I went downtown again earlier today (May 31, 2024) to apprise them as I did in a May 15 (email/two-page PDF memo) and May 21 (two-minute public comment) that COVID-19 Biden Cabinet health chief said “vaccines are killing people...”
While at the Sacramento County Administration Center this morning I also made appointments with Supervisors Rick Desmond and Patrick Kennedy as well.
I referenced last week’s “‘Why are we not stopping the shots,’ Sacramento County Supervisor Sue Frost Asks,” video. (Click/touch on this <> Rumble link to view. Thank you.)
—Ronald F. Owens Jr., author
Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings
'Why Are We Not Stopping the Shots,' Sac County Supervisor Sue Frost Asks
Sacramento County Board of Supervisor Sue Frost said "if we know vaccines are disproportionately killing blacks and Latinos, as stated by Secretary Becerra, why are we not stopping the shots?"
Supervisor Frosts asked additional questions after Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of Muzzled Truth, comments before Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.
Livestream at Metro Cable 14. Video edited by Debbie "Red Hat."
Owens Sings, Prays and Shares at Roseville Patriot Rally
Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of "Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings," sings "National Anthem," prays and shares at patriot rally in Roseville, California, on May 5, 2024.
Owens Reflects About May 5, 1994
Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of "Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings," reflects about the significance of May 5, 1994.
Owens Speaks at Sacramento Republican Assembly Meeting
Last night I shared with Sacramento Republican Assembly (SRA) attendees that the California Department of Public Health rejected COVID-19 treatment and vaccines health risk warnings.
I also noted that I'd speak at a Democratic Party (or any other party or group) event, if they'd received me. This is not a partisanship issue. This is a humanitarian issue!
Unmuzzling Truth at San Joaquin County Republican Mtg.
San Joaquin County California Republican Assembly (CRA) invited me to speak at CRA's March 26, 2024 meeting, which was held last might at Harvest Bible Church, Stockton.
Before I spoke I sung "Glory Hallelujah," a worship song the LORD gave me more than a year ago while I was going through my California Department of Public Health speaking truth to power ordeal.
Click/touch on this <> link to listen to the studio rendition of "Glory Hallelujah."
Thank you!
--Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of "Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings."
Biden Said Vaccine Saved Us From COVID
Graham Allen tweeted Biden announces that the COVID vaccine is being used to cure cancer.
“The vaccine that save us from COVID are now being used to beat cancer, turning setback into comeback,” Joe Biden said.
Ronald F. Owens Jr., author of "Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings," reacts to Biden's comment.
Chat with CA Assembly District 13 Candidate Denise Aguilar
Denise Aguilar is running for San Joaquin County Assembly District 13, which includes Stockton, Lathrop, Tracy and Mountain House.
I sat down with Denise after her Thursday, February 22 fundraiser. She said Big Pharma should not lobby legislators. Denise noted if Big Pharma was banned from paying off legislators that would do a lot for the vaccine issue and mandates in California and across the nation.
Muzzled Truth Book Will Unmuzzle the Truth!
The truth about the ineffectiveness of facial masks was muzzled.
The truth about COVID-19 treatments that could have helped millions of Californians was muzzled.
The truth about the risks of COVID-19 vaccines was muzzled.
“By the way we know that vaccines are killing people of color, Blacks, Latinos, Indigenous People at about two times the rate of White Americans,” United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said at the White House’s “Convening on Equity” virtual summit on April 14, 2022.
I shared with CDPH leadership on multiple occasions what Secretary Becerra said about the risks associated with COVID-19 vaccines. But they muzzled me and initiated disciplinary action against me for telling the truth. That Becerra quote is at the 45:50 mark of this <> White House’s official YouTube video.
My name is Ronald F. Owens Jr. and I am the author of “Muzzled Truth: How the California Department of Public Health Rejected COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Health Risks Warnings.”
Go to MUZZLEDTRUTH.COM. Lets all unmuzzle the truth!
Nurse Collapsed After Receiving COVID-19 Injection
Peter Baldridge, California Department of Public Health Assistant Chief Counsel from 2009-2014, wrote in Muzzled Truth's foreword section he had serious doubts that a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine could have been developed in such a short period of time.
Baldridge noted that he recalled from the SARS-COV1 outbreak of 2003 that making such a vaccine against coronaviruses had not previously been successful.
He immediately decided to not vaccinate and wait. He encouraged his family and friends to do the same. Few listened.
Baldridge wrote he watched as nurse Tiffany Dover collapsed after receiving her COVID-19 injection.
Embedded in this video is a 44-second video recording showing that unfortunate incident.
Hospital Workers Opposed Being Forced to Take COVID-19 Jab
A northern California hospital nurse told me earlier today that many hospital employees opposed being coerced to take COVID-19 vaccines.
Muzzled Truth Will Not Be Muzzled!
In today's vlog I share that publishing, promoting and distributing "Muzzled Truth" has been muzzled. I even faced muzzling uploading this vlog on my Rumble MuzzledTruth channel, but I was successful and in the end truth will not be muzzled!
Transparent Reflections About Writing Muzzled Truth
In this nine-minute and ten-second video I reflect after recording my first interview about Muzzled Truth. I also share my thoughts post retirement from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and how I have been conflicted being a CDPH whistleblower.
Muzzled Truth, Chapter 7 Excerpt Reading
In this six-minute and 54-second video I read an excerpt of Chapter 7 of Muzzled Truth. This chapter is titled “COVID-19 Vaccines ‘Are Killing People…’”
This chapter is the most important chapter of the book, because this chapter reports what United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said at the White House’s “Convening on Equity” virtual summit.
Secretary Becerra said “We know that [COVID-19] vaccines are killing people of color, Blacks, Latinos, Indigenous People at about two times the rate of White Americans.”
MuzzledTruth Vlog 1 Intro., 1/10/24
My name is Ronald F. Owens Jr., and it’s the week before my Muzzled Truth book will be released.
In Muzzled Truth, I share what I experienced and observed while working, during the COVID-19 pandemic, as an Information Officer 2 at the California Department of Public Health.
I make mistakes when I speak on camera and that was the case today.
In Muzzled Truth Vlog 1, I misquoted what Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said on April 14, 2022. Secretary Becarra said: “We know that vaccines are killing people of color, Blacks, Latinos, Indigenous People at about two times the rate of White Americans.”
And in Muzzled Truth Vlog 1, I misspoke that the Chapter 7 audio excerpt will be posted with the ebook. That is incorrect. That Chapter 7, 5:44 audio excerpt will be used in conjunction with marketing the audiobook.
Muzzled Truth Vlog 2 will entail me reading that Chapter 7 excerpt.
Thanks for viewing and listening.
Until next time, may God’s blessing pursue you, overtake you and envelope you.
'Muzzled Truth' Book Description
My name is Ronald F. Owens Jr., and I’m standing in front of the California Department of Public Health’s building in downtown, Sacramento, California.
I was employed at the California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Office of Public Affairs, which is now the Office of Communications, as an Information Officer 2 from March 2, 2009 to December 31, 2023.
I was the most tenured, the most experienced and at more than 66-years-old probably the eldest Office of Communications employee.
I wrote a book titled: “Muzzled Truth,” which was released in January 2024.
“Muzzled Truth” is about what I experienced and observed at CDPH before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
In “Muzzled Truth” I questioned the efficacy of flu shots and learned about the risks associated with childhood vaccines.
In “Muzzled Truth” I questioned health officials’ response to COVID-19 and shared how and why I refused to comply wearing a face mask.
In “Muzzled Truth” I revealed that I informed CDPH senior leadership that properly dosed Ivermectin can cure COVID-19.
In “Muzzled Truth” I apprised CDPH management that Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said.
“We know that [COVID-19] vaccines are killing people of color, Blacks, Latinos, Indigenous People at about two times the rate of White Americans.”
Becerra said this shocking statement about the danger of COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday, April 14, 2022 during The White House’s “Convening on Equity” virtual summit.
That Becerra quote is still on The White House’s official YouTube channel —for all to see and hear.
“Muzzled Truth” is a book how CDPH senior leadership deprived more than 38 million Californians from learning about COVID-19 treatment, and how CDPH management prevented those 38 million Californians from learning about COVID-19 vaccine health risks.
Go to to get “Muzzled Truth” and learn more, so we can ALL Unmuzzle the Truth!
Thank you!