



A Bigfoot Cryptid Research group based out of The Great Lake State, Michigan. Going out looking for Encounters, hopefully actual Interactions that we can capture. Presenting the evidence here with Honesty, Integrity, and a Seriousness that is need in this subject. Live show Podcasts that come with a unfiltered viewpoint and discussions. Exposing Hoaxers, the Non-Sense, and the BS. What does the Sabe represent? Sabe = Honesty

The Sabe-Kitchi Sabe: a mythical giant who is a symbol of honesty. The Sabe represents honesty because it is believed that the Sabe used to walk among humans to remind us to remain true to our nature. The Sabe keeps us aware of being ourselves, and not someone we are not. It is one of the 7 Grand Father Teachings. Certainly the one that is lacking in this subject with all the storytelling, lies, and Fantasy. The very creature Bigfoot/Sabe's meaning being Honesty. How can we be Honest in this subject, and where its going if its Honesty that is Lacking? How to we change this Fantasy to The Truth? With simple Sabe... Honesty

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Joined Oct 4, 2021

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