A Visit about ALMSGIVING from Sts ABRAHAM, ANTHONY, and ANNE | DEAR JOHN, Ep 5 (Day 2)
On Day 2 of my 2020 consecration journey, some neat synchronicities--involving three saints that have gone before us--clustered in a way that helped me understand a key message from God.
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AmerICAN Christianity vs True RUGGED Christianity | KNIGHT sHoRTs
This important pull from KNIGHT TIME Ep 5 "The Trump Aftermath, the Intelligence of CHRIST, and Exercises in LOGIC" explores the limited role of Trump, the intelligence of Christ, and the importance of being knowledgeable of the Christ in the Bible in order to fight this information/spiritual war.
Matthew 10; importance of knowledge and not misunderstanding what true love (actually is called "charity") is; the false American religion and Facebook memes; three Bible passages from St Paul; the heresy of the American religion
Jesus was not just a "nice person"; the deception of the devil in the Garden of Eden, now, and always; warping and deception; what true Christianity is; this info war is work and it is ugly; the sheer number of Bible passages that command that we be smart; why knowledge and love (charity) are not mutually exclusive
Why Jesus Christ was so smart; Matthew and the Caesar coin trap; the importance of getting to know Jesus on that level, and of using a reliable translation of the Bible
I have been pulling clips from the July 22 Episode 5 of KNIGHT TIME lately because it may be my most complete show. Here, my discussion of logic after the July 13 assassination attempt prefigures the one yesterday, not only in a general inside job sense, but also in the sense of detailed limited hangouts--such as Ukraine, Blackrock, and RFK Jr/the JFK assassination. There's even something on Haiti, as disconnected as that appears, coming from July 22.
All the seemingly different narratives are converging.
This clip from KNIGHT TIME Ep 5 discusses a topic I have been talking about since the spring of 2020 when I first saw the film 'Out of Shadows.' We have to be getting ready spiritually for what gruesome and wicked truths are on the horizon.
The BIDEN LAPTOP Story We Were Right About in 2020 | KNIGHT sHoRTs
This clip from KNIGHT TIME Episode 12 revisits the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story right before the 2020 election and shows new evidence proving that this crime was and is just the tip of the iceberg of what they were hiding.
Trump, Israel, and the Permission to Say 'WAIT A MINUTE' | KNIGHT sHoRTs
In this clip from Episode X, I discuss my ongoing reflections on things that don't fit the molds of what the notions of "Trump" and "Israel" have come to mean, and the importance of allowing ourselves the first step of simply saying "wait a minute" when you sense something is off.
RFK Jr n' Candace, Putin n' Cackles, and the TRICKS of Information War | KNIGHT TIME
In Episode 13 of KNIGHT TIME, I flip on the closer camera and read my two articles from today, 5 September 2024. I also wear my Knights colors as a show of support for my former students and athletes who open up their football season at home tomorrow.
0:00 Introduction on most recent indication of information war and intelligent design
1:32 Article I: "RFK Jr vs Candace Owens: Real or Tactical?"
2:53 Video of RFK Jr speaking to how difficult it is to break the mind control of someone (end 3:21)
3:58 Video of Candace Owens hammering the double standards that exist with who and who cannot be criticized in our world (end 7:28)
8:57 Article II: "Like Putin or Not, This Is a Great Troll of Harris and the Dems"
11:59 Putin troll -- funny :)
PrayU |The Rosary (No Music or Mysteries)
0:00 Opening Prayers
2:02 Decade I
4:56 Decade II
7:43 Decade III
10:27 Decade IV
13:18 Decade V
16:07 Closing Prayers
1) Luke 1:28-35, 38 The Annunciation - The angel Gabriel announces the Incarnation to Mary.
2) Luke 1:39-45 The Visitation - Mary visits Elizabeth in her time of need.
3) Luke 2:6-12 The Nativity - Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
4) Luke 2:25-32 The Presentation - Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the Temple.
5) Luke 2:41-4 The Finding in the Temple – Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the Temple.
1. Luke 22:39-46 The Agony in the Garden – Jesus prays in Gethsemane on the night before His death.
2. Mark 15:6-15 The Scourging at the Pillar – Christ is scourged by the soldiers at Pilate’s command.
3. John 19:1-8 The Crowning with Thorns – Soldiers weave a crown of thorns and shove it in to Christ’s head.
4. John 19:16-22 The Carrying of the Cross – Jesus struggles up Calvary with His own cross on His shoulders.
5. John 19:25-30 The Crucifixion – Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.
1. Matthew 28:1-8 The Resurrection – Jesus rises from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion.
2. Acts 1:8-11 The Ascension – Forty days after rising from the dead, Christ ascends into Heaven.
3. Acts 2:1-6, 38-41 The Descent of the Holy Spirit on Mary and the Apostles.
4. Revelation 12:1-3, 13-18 The Assumption – At the end of her life, Mary is taken body and soul into Heaven.
5. Revelation 12:1-5 The Coronation – Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and earth.
RFK Jr, Facebook CEO's Confession, and the Rise of Conspiracy Realities | KNIGHT TIME
In Episode 12 of KNIGHT TIME, I expound on my recent work with RFK Jr's magnification in Phoenix recently and show that it is characters, stories, and the convergence of seemingly random plotlines that are driving the information war right now.
0:00 Poignant George Orwell/1984 intro
1:31 Episode 12 intro; RFK Jr has been in the info war for a long time; "unexpected" alliances in politics and war; 1992 Assassinations Records Act; taskforce to declassify all documents if Trump is elected; CIA-Mockingbird media; discussing some recent work of mine
4:10 Operation Northwoods and JFK false flag
5:14 RFK Jr and "conspiracy theories" like chemtrails, processed food, CIA-MK Ultra program, Manchurian candidates, etc.
6:00 RFK Jr interview, discussing the power the CIA holds
8:13 The Kennedy name is important in the story; reversing the brainwashing
10:05 Revisiting the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story from Oct 2020; treason; child trafficking; RFK Jr speaks to the CIA interfering in the 2020 election
11:47 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's confession letter concerning the Biden laptop in 2020; it all confirms what "conspiracy theorists" have been saying; list of realities his confession proves; don't assume Zuck has had a change of heart--he still deserves justice; pedophilia and human trafficking on Facebook; undercover investigation
15:46 This story is a part of a "Limited Hangout" along with Telegram and X; discussion of the value of "Limited Hangout" in information war
16:49 Candace Owens on the Zuckerberg letter; Candace segment
18:55 Telegram and CEO Pavel Durov arrest; Durov interview with Tucker Carlson--US shadiness
20:39 Brazil's threats against Elon Musk and X
20:51 Why all of this Big Tech news is clustered inside the info war right now
21:24 Ray Bradbury's warning of the "idiot box"; Simba and The Lion King connection; Gandalf and The Hobbit connection; intelligent design?; breadcrumbing
22:04 A challenge about "conspiracy theories" to all my conservative friends; why we have to be on the same team right now; another Lion King connection; not about winning rigged elections; to be convincing you have to tell a story; college football connection; RFK Jr and conspiracy theories; final words to staunch conservatives; Covid mask logic
27:12 HAARP, weather control, Operation Popeye; learning from the DNC disaster and talking points two weeks ago
28:08 Characters and stories; RFK Jr's entry onto the Phoenix stage; what the crowd's roar probably represented; November 22, 1963 and what it did to our nation; final pep talk
30:39 Video of Trump's introduction of RFK Jr in Phoenix two Fridays ago
CATHOLIC Confessions of a MODERN ADAM | DEAR JOHN, Ep 4 (Day 1)
In this excerpt from my spiritual memoir 'Dear John,' published in 2020, I explore my kinship to sinful Adam. It is an openly Catholic, Augustinian-type confession, and what better day to release it than on the date of his feast day, August 28. I talk about walking out of the Garden of Eden with Eve, about sorrow and surrender, about what it means in my life to sell Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver.
I am giving you my heart in this journey so that you can in turn search yours.
Both 'DEAR JOHN,' and 'THE GREEN FAMILY,' two of my books similar in nature, are available online.
Happy birthday to my grandmother Gladys as well.
An important pull clip from Episode X of KNIGHT TIME | Trump, ROTHSCHILD Dynasty, and CHRIST in the BIBLE
This latest episode of KNIGHT TIME continues a deep dive into the Rothschild dynasty and how the Bible has warned us of this for 2000 years and longer.
X "Rothschild Thread" link: https://x.com/DrC_IET17/status/1824651377961779566
0:00 Pre-show intro with incredibly interesting dots to connect; IS IT ALL A TRICK?
3:50 This episode was intended to be the second half of Episode X
4:31: The Bible and its attention to money and the charms of this world; specific people Jesus was talking about; antichrist; wolves in sheep's clothing
5:31 Nathaniel ROTHSCHILD
6:27 Apocalypse of St John 2:9 and 3:9; Acts of the Apostles 2:36-47; "faith vs works" distraction; what the true context was according to Church Fathers and still is to this day
9:32 Deception of INVERSION; Apoc of St John 2:9 and 3:9 reading and focus on the rich; Gospel of St John Ch 8 - Jesus vs fake Jews; fornication; porn industry
13:23 Three fathers; Jesus "ENTERS THEIR ILLUSION"; Jesus is brilliant, smart, cunning, uses his brain; faith vs works -- "do penance" in the Bible
14:36 Once you see what all of this actually points to, you cannot unsee it; it saturates ALL of Scripture; contextualized in the WHOLE Bible--including GENESIS 12:2-3, which so many Christian Zionists and pastors use
15:21 People are waking up to all of this deception; Rothschild name; PornHub; the personal = the Biblical
16:30 Christ's words echo back to us concerning the geopolitical stage; old newspaper clippings; Jews vs "Jews"; think about all the Scripture I've read to you today
16:56 I cannot write or produce everything I want to; I've started just "dumping" research into an "article" to allow the reader room to work on their own
18:16 Twitter/X thread "Rothschild Thread"; follow the money all the way back to 1743
19:40 Vatican/Rothschild connection; Marian apparitions and warnings that followed; has the Catholic Church been infiltrated too, in order to destroy her from within?
20:59 How dots of evidence point to a "missing planet" scenario like in 'Star Wars: Attack of the Clones'
21:31 Re-emphasis on one important point about research; Rothschild family keeps popping up; hashtag "Rothschild" on X
22:34 Closing; as always, what you should do if you dive into this
Trump, ROTHSCHILD Dynasty, and CHRIST in the BIBLE | KNIGHT TIME - Ep X
In Episode X of KNIGHT TIME, I combine the Bible with Deep State affairs raging on the geopolitical scene to show that it would be smart to be like Jesus and combat our enemies with a measured, multiple front approach.
0:00 Pre-episode intro on Trump and Netanyahu
2:44 Opening remarks on reasons to fight this war
3:48 The importance of respecting God in the war; how we respond in the future is answered today; Exodus 32:34-35
5:13 The question about celebrities I raised at the end of the previous show and the three responses to it
5:46 Video of an official talking about how crimes against children go so much further than trafficking or pedophilia
7:22 Where my responsibility ends as an online teacher--yes, I'd love for you to change your mind on the spot, but that likely isn't going to happen. What then?
8:18 Questions about Israel, Trump, Netanyahu; anomalies on Trump's style; Ukraine and all foreign wars; our hard-earned tax dollars
10:28 The persuasive technique of "Enter Your Illusion"; origins of all of this; different ways to look at Trump's activity and said anomalies
12:43 Who ultimately is in charge; the opportunity we are being given; our responsibility to pay attention to the rise of antichrist spirit; connecting Deep State and Deep Church; how all of this relates to eternity
13:56 Luke 12 and uncomfortable themes from Jesus's own mouth; Matthew 10:16; the importance of respecting the practice of reading and increasing intelligence; why we need intelligence to comprehend Jesus's seeming contradictions; how the enemy preys on all of this; John 2:15
18:33 All synoptic Gospels include the message about the rich and the poor and the specific people Jesus was warning about; Nathaniel Rothschild
20:21 Apocalypse of St John 2:9 and 3:9; the bad and the good of these verses, historically and futuristically speaking
21:39 Misinterpretation of crucial Bible verses; the common sense of the final book of the Bible
22:47 All of this goes very deep and is more contextual than any online person can get into; we cannot isolate Scripture passages and ignore others just to make a point; it all has to fit together; a call to getting back to trusting the authority of those that came before us, those who were writing on all of this closer in proximity to Jesus himself than we are--trusting the Holy Spirit's guidance in the early Church, in other words
24:46 Video of someone from Israel admitting to the trick played on Americans
Whom Do You Love More - CHRIST or BAPHOMET? No Really, WHICH ONE? | KNIGHT TIME
In this latest episode of KNIGHT TIME, I challenge everyone to pray and think about the fact that the devil is all around us, inverting himself into something of the light when all he is is BLACK and the darkest of shadows. I challenge all "groups" to begin praying now for discernment, wisdom, and courage to be able to change their life-long ways of thinking if the time and God call for it. This is a bit of a hard-hitter at times; too bad its tone is no longer viewed as just one face of love--perhaps in the style of John the Baptist at times. I beg of you, for your own sake, just put on a helmet and take the hit if it comes. It could very well be for your eternal good.
This is all about preparing the soil. Join me. Unite the clans!
In final edits I probably should have included this article from April as well, because it very much relates:
RVIVR: "The Potential Catch-22 of Rejecting Fear and the Woke Establishment"
Visit Jeff LeJeune.com for more, and as always, I invite you to READ my articles in full --ESPECIALLY the ones that pop up on the screen as context for what I'm saying in the moment--and READ good books, including the DOUAY-RHEIMS translation of the Bible.
00:00 Stephen Baldwin on the power of Jesus
00:46 All new intro!
1:00 Why all of this is personal to me; Galatians 2:16
3:19 The reality, deception, and illusion of the devil; connection to narcissism; well-meaning people are not putting in the work; connection to the Deep State; opening and closing ceremonies; infiltration everywhere; Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9; "synagogue of satan"
6:27 Information and shadow war against the slavery of the enemy; starting now in our mental preparation for the truth bombs--visualize to actualize; Baphomet and the evil of weaponized inversion; antichrist as illusionist and deceiver; Lucifer and the angel of light; what we need beyond the "feels" in our faith
10:55 Russia, Ukraine, Israel; mainstream media and infiltrated US government; cognitive dissonance; truth dissemination by breadcrumbing; difficulty of truth awakening; the cognitive priming everyone can do now; much of the history we know is a lie; breaking the illusion is hard and will get even harder; there is a faction of humanity that is behind it all, and Christ spoke directly of them; spirit of antichrist is preparing the way for antichrist himself; it comes as something that appears good and is deceiving and will deceive so many; some of my writings hit on the enemy in the shadows directly, but it is hard to unpack; even the most innocent of sins may be leading us further down the path of perdition than we think because of the power of the lie; illusion, no matter how trivial, separates us from reality
17:31 The final question promised near the top of the show--what if...?
18:51 Stephen Baldwin end of clip and picture of the Savior
ST VERONICA and the FIVE LETTERS Scored on Her Heart | DEAR JOHN, Ep 3
The story of Veronica Giuliani is one of the most unbelievable you'll ever hear. Christ is King!
I am reading from a monitor; if you are reading from the book, this episode starts at the top of page 16.
Would you sacrifice the life of a loved one for the sake of Jesus Christ? Could you move forward with God's command as Abraham was in his plan to sacrifice Isaac?
There is a real life story in that vein I chronicle here about a woman you may know named Rita.
The defense of Christianity can be watered down to a defense of principles, but it goes deeper than that. It should make all the sense in the world to us. This is about a person.
A person.
Here, I splice together a few pieces from KNIGHT TIME Episode 7 (July 29, 2024), where I was just a liiiittle intense on Christ's behalf, to spotlight a point I will be discussing more and more--
The devil is real.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
PrayU | Meet ST LAURENCE, Who MOCKED Executioners Roasting Him Over BURNING COALS | Octave Aug 10-17
'Laurence' is an alternative spelling of 'Lawrence,' one that is used interchangeably in the Latin Benedictus.
0:00 Intro, Bio #1
2:59 Bio #2
12:08 Morning Psalm Devotion
14:09 Mass Propers and Readings
17:58 Bio #3
19:48 Evening Psalm Devotion
21:32 Hymn
From Wikipedia:
Saint Lawrence or Laurence (Latin: Laurentius, lit. "laurelled"; 31 December AD 225[1] – 10 August 258) was one of the seven deacons of the city of Rome under Pope Sixtus II who were martyred in the persecution of the Christians that the Roman Emperor Valerian ordered in 258.
Legend has it that as he was being roasted over the coals, he told his executioners that one side was done, that they could turn him over now.
All images are in the public domain.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
It is through trials and tribulations that we can best witness to who Christ is and calls us to be. We see it in sports; let's see it in our lives and through our faith.
Full episode dated August 5: "Christ's TRANSFIGURATION and Handling the Darkness of New Beginnings" https://rumble.com/v59u7az-knight-time-becoming-bilbo-we-have-to-go-through-the-darkness.html
From Joseph to Mary to...VERONICA GIULIANI? | DEAR JOHN, Ep 2
During quarantine 2020, I decided to embark on a spiritual pilgrimage I'd been neglecting for a long time. I decided to finally do the thing, to do the ritual, that one priest had once told me I needed to do. And so I took the Blessed Mother's hand and allowed her to lead me, because at least I knew that much from my Catholic faith--that her one job even now is to lead people to her Son, to truly see him with her eyes, to truly love him with her heart.
00:00 Intro
02:26 Episode 2
August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for this reason.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
Christ's TRANSFIGURATION and Handling the Darkness of New Beginnings | KNIGHT TIME
An inspiring reflection on Christ's Transfiguration and a challenge to live our lives with Christ's command in mind.
Not to mention a little reference to one of the great novels of all time--THE HOBBIT.
"I invite you all to peruse some of my recent work, as it speaks to an unveiling of truth and transfiguration of soul for people everywhere! I invite everyone to join that movement of the divine. I think beautiful things are happening right now, despite the darkness. Remember what has to come before Resurrection Sunday. Good Friday."
0:00 Intro: My recent work; a lot going on; divine movement; definition of 'transfiguration'; where the story can be found in the Bible
1:18 Students and parents are returning to school; a personal story; well wishes to former students
2:44 The story of the Transfiguration in the Bible in Matthew; Peter confirms in 2 Peter 1
5:21 How the Bible can speak to the big and the small; relation to new beginnings and transfiguration, and the Bible story specifically; why we are like Peter, James, and John
7:05 The power of the cross and transfiguration
9:21 Psalm 23 and Gandalf in 'The Hobbit'
9:50 Be a KNIGHT out there!
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
The Call | DEAR JOHN, Ep 1
During quarantine 2020, I decided to embark on a spiritual pilgrimage I'd been neglecting for a long time. I decided to finally do the thing, to do the ritual, that one priest had once told me I needed to do. And so I took the Blessed Mother's hand and allowed her to lead me, because at least I knew that much from my Catholic faith--that her one job even now is to lead people to her Son, to truly see him with her eyes, to truly love him with her heart.
August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for this reason.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
The RULE OF PRIMACY in the Aftermath of PARIS '24 | KNIGHT TIME
WATCH till the very end for a little surprise, as usual.
The enemy wants you to stay in quicksand debating details of obviously false or blasphemous stories that, even in cases in which "they present the facts!", trap more rigorously discerning Christians into informational time loops, as one researcher I respect terms it.
Them isolating the Last Supper as if that were the only controversy in question is an example.
We're talking about the WHOLE pagan show, not just the Last Supper that is the one thing the enemy is trying to isolate, manipulate, and gaslight us with in order to minimize, discredit, and mock us as Christians. It is the classic move of the narcissistic spirit, to pretend that all of this has to do with one thing.
Think about that narcissistic ex you've had. They do this to make their argument easier to mold, and your craziness easier to create.
ALL EVIL CONNECTS, including that of these Opening Ceremonies, the establishment media and infiltrated governments worldwide, the attempt on Trump's life, the coup to replace Biden, "Biden" himself, Hollywood, the 2012 Opening Ceremonies, every narcissistic individual out there, cheating on a test, etc etc etc. I could go on and on.
Evil is a person and a spirit. It can pervade anything and everything--with permission from God, of course.
And there is only one ultimate antidote for that Evil, and I remind Christians of what that is in this show.
All images and video are in the public domain or under fair use laws. Thank you.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
MOCKINGBIRD Coverup and Creationism Is Pure Comedy | KNIGHT TIME
It is stunning, even after years of witnessing it, to see the brazen attempts of the CIA-Mockingbird media to gaslight the American people. The problem is that they do it because enough of us still believe it. It is a classic case of Stockholm Syndrome.
All images and videos fall within fair use laws. Thank you.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for more.
PrayU | The Angelus | Remembering CHRIST'S INCARNATION
To be prayed by Catholics and anyone else for that matter at 6am, 12noon, and 6pm.
Luke Chapter 1 is prime reading material.
Images and audio fall under the public domain or fair use laws. The beautiful painting of the Blessed Mother is by artist Del Parson, used with permission. Thank you.
Visit JeffLeJeune.com for so much more.
The Trump Aftermath, the Intelligence of CHRIST, and Exercises in LOGIC | KNIGHT TIME
To be a knight in rugged armor fighting this information and spiritual war, we have to be as wise as serpents and simple as doves.
0:00 Current event/Biden quick intro that's really not the major focus of the show at all (but necessary to mention and as a lead-in)
0:46 Fraud and the Deep State; global war machine; money laundering; Trump and the Deep State
1:39 Child trafficking...and so much more
3:33 Deep State puppets' current panic; highly complex military operation?; National Ice Cream Day significance
4:40 A warning about Trump; importance of keeping Christ as King; intro to how I personally think through the influx of information in this info war; intro to "Cognitive Circle"
6:23 Bible reading: Psalm 63 (D-R version); how Trump and the purported military operation connect to psalm; exposure of evil can bring us closer to God
7:30 Trump talks about what would have happened to America had he lost in 2016; continued caution about Trump; why Mary is so important to some Christians--her humility (Luke); Trump must have the same deference when his role is complete
8:23 Matthew 10; importance of knowledge and not misunderstanding what true love (actually is called "charity") is; the false American religion and Facebook memes; three Bible passages from St Paul; the heresy of the American religion
9:57 Jesus was not just a "nice person"; the deception of the devil in the Garden of Eden, now, and always; warping and deception; what true Christianity is; this info war is work and it is ugly; the sheer number of Bible passages that command that we be smart; why knowledge and love (charity) are not mutually exclusive
12:49 Why Jesus Christ was so smart; Matthew and the Caesar coin trap; the importance of getting to know Jesus on that level, and of using a reliable translation of the Bible
15:56 How I am able to process information quickly in this war; the Overton Window; Crowdstrike; Trump/Ukraine call right before his first impeachment; Crowdstrike fear; connection to JFK and 9/11; the conspiracy theorists are the new historians
23:21 Star Wars connection; future often proves the past; Dominion voting systems; unease with Republican John McCain; unease with some things concerning Catholic religion and Vatican II
25:59 How I'm finding that some of my previous work is a real-life example of "future proves past"; New and Old Testaments connection; "politics" is actually the necessary conversation about good and evil inside human civilization; the only binary that matters; 1 Corinthians; personal confessions; an invitation from my wife
29:00 Conclusion, final message to former students; a quick return to Biden and the Dems with some humor
All images and video fall under fair use laws. Thank you.