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First you put your ego, pride, small-mindedness, and illogical narcissism away. Knowing that you did not explode out of nothing to exist, nor did you evolve from monkeys. Knowing that intelligent design defeats the theory of evolution, with evidence against evolution. Knowing that death is inevitable, escaping it through technology is a lie, and that the essence of who you are will continue on. Knowing things like the fact that you don't have control over your afterlife or how you get there. Knowing that two spaces between sentences is proper English grammar. Knowing that getting to know who "God" is, is more important than anything else in your life.

Then you begin to read the Bible, a real Bible like the KJV or Geneva Bible. You translate Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew sources. You learn the truth and consequences throughout our history of people, prophets, and cultures as they interact with each other and The One True God. You learn the truth of how Christ laid down his life for us, giving us a path to be absolved of our sins, was resurrected on the third day, and ascended into heaven. Truth is found in other sources as well that correlate with Biblical events. Truth is found among the ruins and artifacts supporting Biblical history. Truth reinforces your faith that goes beyond just a belief in the beginning to knowing and experiencing life with faith that is unshakable.

Then you pray to The Creator of the Heavens and of the Earth. It may not happen for you right away, yet eventually, prayers are answered. Prayers for people and things going on in the world, prayers for leaders in positions of influence, prayers for people that you love. Even personal prayers for situations and things relating to yourself are answered. You take action and give freely of what you are able to give to those who have need. You volunteer to help with things in the real world. The love that you give is reflected back a thousand-fold to you from Christ.

It continues on and your desire to know who Christ is becomes stronger over time. Christ is central to your life in honor, prayer, and interactions with others. Your thoughts are often and/or continuous upon the why of Christ and his interactions with humanity throughout history. Your desire to meet Christ is more important to you than anything else in this life, yet you heed his word knowing that imposters will pretend to be him. The truth of what Christ has done for you makes him unique and of a caliber that no other so called "god" could ever compare to.

Christ is salvation and the answer. He is the One True God with a capital G.

Go back to the start until this all makes sense…

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Joined Mar 3, 2024

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