Q & A with Gina - part 2
This is the 2nd video in Gina's Q and A series that addresses questions people have sent in related to SRA/MC/Programming.
Q & A (September, 2023)
First Q and A livestream on RA/MC/Programming, NWO and more!
Creation of the Beta & Delta System
Content of this video does not constitute medical or professional advice. Information contained herein is not intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment. This video offers educational information and is for general information purposes.
Warrior Bride Ministries; Counting the Cost Conference
I will be speaking in Georgia in October 2023. Hope to see you there!
MC UFO's and AI of the Beast System Part 2
*Trigger Warning*
This video does not constitute Medical or Professional Advice. The content in this video is not to be considered medical advice for any reason, and nothing herein is intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment. You as the visitor understand and agree that while I am a retired licensed practical counselor and have been trained and educated to provide such professional services, this video discusses and offers education and informational services only, and the content herein is for general information purposes. You reading information on my website or my videos does not make you my patient or client, and no therapist-patient, or coach-client relationship is being formed. I cannot know you, your loved one, or your child’s personalized situation or condition, and am not attempting nor suggesting you follow the content on Website or video instead of or in place of a personalized consultation with a licensed counselor, or general physician/mental health professional in your geographical area. The information contained on my Website or videos, written and sent out via email, or made available through our products, programs, and services is not intended to be a substitute for personalized coaching, medical advice or healing, nor is anything contained herein designed to provide you with a medical diagnosis, treatment, or other medical services. By visiting my website or viewing my videos you understand and agree this website/video is not providing any medical advice, is not providing any counseling or therapy services, is not a substitute to you seeking personalized therapy for yourself or someone else, nor is it attempting to diagnose or treat any mental or physical medical conditions.
MC UFOs and AI of the Beast System Part 1
*Trigger Warning*
This video does not constitute Medical or Professional Advice. The content in this video is not to be considered medical advice for any reason, and nothing herein is intended to provide or act as a substitute for mental health treatment. You as the visitor understand and agree that while I am a retired licensed practical counselor and have been trained and educated to provide such professional services, this video discusses and offers education and informational services only, and the content herein is for general information purposes. You reading information on my website or my videos does not make you my patient or client, and no therapist-patient, or coach-client relationship is being formed. I cannot know you, your loved one, or your child’s personalized situation or condition, and am not attempting nor suggesting you follow the content on Website or video instead of or in place of a personalized consultation with a licensed counselor, or general physician/mental health professional in your geographical area. The information contained on my Website or videos, written and sent out via email, or made available through our products, programs, and services is not intended to be a substitute for personalized coaching, medical advice or healing, nor is anything contained herein designed to provide you with a medical diagnosis, treatment, or other medical services. By visiting my website or viewing my videos you understand and agree this website/video is not providing any medical advice, is not providing any counseling or therapy services, is not a substitute to you seeking personalized therapy for yourself or someone else, nor is it attempting to diagnose or treat any mental or physical medical conditions.