



In Late 2022 - January 2023, The original creator of the George Floyd Creepypasta (Jordan Cleeman) Randomly left the Creepypasta channel and deleted all the videos, switching the old logo and name of the channel to BLM and Black Lives Matter. Ever since then many FloydPasta fans have been searching for new creepypastas and the old ones and finding 0 luck. There have been many copycats and low-quality rip-offs of the George Floyd Creepypastas or re-post of older creepypastas to Bitchute, Telegram, and Rumble users think is the Offical channel of the George Floyd Creepypastas, unfortunately, they are wrong and there wasn't a channel making creepypastas till early April of 2023 when FloydPasta Fans finally met up and started to create something. Between April and July, there would be a certain someone who would have some notoriety but he would have been exposed in Late July, Leaving his work behind and an opportunity for someone in the community to create a new channel. James Sagic Created his channel on July 23rd, 2023 right after his Co-owner was exposed for things in his personal life that would make him leave Telegram, James was already familiar with the George Floyd creepypasta, being a fan of theirs since they first started, the Creepypasta thumbnail style and editing, as well as helping with the old creepypasta owner on editing and thumbnails. James then started to make Creepypastas for a while and helped other editors and Mods from the old Creepypasta channel to join and help. In February of 2024, James Sagic had to shut down his channel for a month and a half because of IRL issues happening in his life, In April he got the channel back and had to restart but it was quick for the sub count to come back and grow. Today James Sagic is the owner of the Geroge Floyd creepypastas and creates them with his team on a somewhat regular basis.

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Joined Jun 5, 2024

2,162 total views

28 videos