'The Bridegroom Is Here-Come Out To Meet Him' Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'The Bridegroom Is Here - Come Out To Meet Him' is this weeks Narrow Gate News. The title is taken from Matthew 25v6, and it speaks of our times! Jesus via His Holy Spirit has intensified His Presence. Believers(virgins with oil in their lamp), and non believers (virgins with no oil in their lamp) are in the same situation. All humanity is being oppressed by Satan through world government leaders. There is a harvest for new believers (maga faith) and experienced Christians provided the believer wakes up and will particpate in what God is doing to bring human freedom back to all mankind. Harvest and revival through Gods Presence is for now as never before! Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'Resurrect A Nation-Prayer' Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
Our newest Narrow Gate News is 'Resurrect A Nation-Prayer.' Dennis interviews and has 6 prayer sessions with people interceding for Donald Trump, his life, stopping the second steal, seeking a core choir to stymie the 'enemy' from oppressing people worldwide. There are news clips mixed in, and light moments that God provides when He prays through His people. This show has quick, but not rushed pace. It's prayer, like music with rhythm and victory. It's a triumph, expressing hope in the midst of world crisis. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'The Quality Of Grief- Ebenezer Scrooge' Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'The Quality Of Grief- Ebenezer Scrooge' is the title for this weeks Narrow Gate News report. It's a sensitive portrayal of Charles Dickens' Ebenezer Scrooge. It shows how, though he was treated unfairly as a child, he through fear became greedy, wealthy and tyrannical. Dennis draws a parallel to how we in our oppressive world can also become as isolated and selfish as Scrooge. It's a pastoral view that can help us see how the evil lawlessness that is happening worldwide can change us for the worse; or for the better. Great film and news clips help bring out the story.
Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'The Iceberg Before Us Part 2' Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'The Iceberg Before Us Part 2' is this weeks Narrow Gate News report. It features an interview with NGN staff correspondent Lisa Barnett from Mighty Motion Pictures and producer of 'Unthinkable' the Abby Johnson pro-life documentary. We use classic films and recent news clips to illustrate how, as the Titanic in 1912 ,we are very close to disaster. The way out is the way up! The way up is not religion as such, but a spiritual- pragmatic connection to God offering strategy to defeat Satans scheme through evil minded world leaders. The strategy is another aspect of Gods miracle that saved Pres. Trumps life on July 13. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'The Iceberg Before Us' Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'The Iceberg Before Us' is this week's Narrow Gate News Report. The Titanic narrative is playing out before us all today. Election 2024 is crucial in it, and the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is an on going caution. The call is to find a pragmatic spiritual faith so to understand what is truly happening today. How we can prevent a crash with the iceberg. Dennis once again draws from 'Its A Wonderful Life' to show the personal grief people are facing as globalists oppress common citizens.
Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'Finding Life' - Dennis Cole, Narrow Gate News
'Finding Life' is our newest 'Narrow Gate News' reporting the testimony of Jean Marie Davis. Drawing from her book 'Breaking Chains Against All Odds,’ Jean shares with Dennis how she overcame her life as a victim of sex trafficking in America. She explains that the USA sexually immoral culture is why sex trafficking is so deadly and so common in the USA. The interview goes into the Elites in USA government as partners with those in hands-on trafficking in the streets of Washington DC and Los Angeles. Dennis points out the 2024 Pres. election is not political, but spiritual with remedy insights to President Trump. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Resurrect A Nation - Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'Resurrect A Nation' is our new 'Narrow Gate News.' In recent reports Dennis has shown a ‘marriage' of MAGA with Christians aware of oppressive worldwide forces that dismantle legal freedoms from its citizens. In this report we use news clips from cutting edge media journalists. Reported in recent shows, regarding Pres. Trump’s re-election, was a call for prayer to 'stop the steal part 2.' With the assassination attempt on his life we celebrate answer to prayer. Only God can prevent the uni-party from stealing the election and or taking Pres Trumps life. In this report we call for more prayer. This election is spiritual and not political. Only God can save us. The calling for today is to transcend politics. Please consider, a 'Resurrect A Nation' revival in your community that NGN can organize with you.
Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'Major League To MAGA League' - Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'Major League To MAGA League' is our 'Narrow Gate News ' interview with Major League Baseball great Glenn Wilson. Glenn played 13 years with many honors. He played with passion. His overall statistics were great, but his character was his greatest contribution for team victory. His most major triumph however happened in a hospital after his career with new found forever faith in Jesus. In Dennis' interview Glenn shares his new MAGA faith that people see the election of Donald Trump as spiritual and not political. With Glenn's example Dennis appeals for targeted prayer as never before. In a similar way Dennis appeals we do Maga prayer meetings throughout the USA. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'Recovery' - Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'Recovery' is our recent report on 'Narrow Gate News.'
Dennis interviews Melissa Huray, host of 'The Hope Report' on Frankspeechtv. (Frankspeech.com - the Mike Lindell Recovery Network). Melissa shares her recovery from alcoholism in her book 'Blackout To Blessing.' The second part of the interview deals with applying the method of recovery, to that of Americas addiction to immorality, passivity, and New World Order oppression. Christians can lead this if we come out from denial. Denial as to how dire our situation is. Denial how life, and death is our dilemma.
Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'Unthinkable'- Dennis Cole - Narrow Gate News
'Unthinkable' is Abby Johnson a former Planned Parenthood executive, giving her testimony - documentary film. Abby is now perhaps the world's greatest spokes person against abortion. Our interview is with the films Producer, Lisa Barnett. Lisa outlines details of how Abby Johnson has won over 800 former Planned Parenthood employees to becoming pro-life advocates. The discussion goes into how we all can overcome the culture of death. In great part it is through accepting how evil culture has become. To then see how compassionate Jesus is toward abortion participants, and all sin.
This film when seen at your church can save lives. It can bring love into homes versus sorrow that accompanies abortion.
Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
'The Greater Victory'
A stimulating interview with Randy Miller a NY Yankee's beat reporter with Newark Star Ledger (nj.com.) Talking baseball; Dennis asks can love for one another create more wins than a money motive? NY Yankee Aaron Judge is known for kneeling low to the ground when small children ask for an autograph. We ask is a live picture of Jesus washing feet?
Randy is, as seen in the interview, a flamboyant story teller. He is able to write stories of life while giving us close and personal details of the game. He is a baseball expert, and an award winning writer. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'Maga Church'
'Maga Church' is our newest 'Narrow Gate News.' Dennis sees this as God's spiritual entity into lawless political times.
It's a current, and last days mix of people with one thing in common. Freedom lost from the oppressive New World Order is found through discovering and rediscovering that God gives 'Freedom.' This is the Maga Church. It's new believers, experienced Bible students, and non believers +++ discovering the human experience of God reaching us. We use the film 'Meet John Doe' to illustrate it's when common humanity seeks Truth that God makes His Presence known. Please join us as we join Him.
Trumpet Call Of God - Narrow Gate News
'Trumpet Call Of God' our title for this Narrow Gate News report is from I Thessalonians 4v16. Dennis spends the entire hour emphasizing the 'elect' to engage in Trumps 2024 election. The reasons are spiritual and pragmatic. It's a call for all to awaken that these times are unprecedented and demonically evil. We use recent Trump support in rally's, (since unjust NYC felonies), and the classic film 'Meet John Doe.' The Bible in King James version says "the trump of God." Trump is a Cyrus of our day, but the 'trumpet call of God' is for many ‘Trumpets.’ The call to support Trump is team Jesus. There is a passion and unprecedented urgency needed to support Trump the 'tower' of the team. Aside from subscribing- commenting to our Rumble station; we are inspired to ask you share this with as many as you can.
Narrow Gate News - 'And They All Fell Asleep'
'They All Fell Asleep' is a picture of Noah's day happening in our day. Beyond symbolism the nephilim of Genesis 6 v4 is today's merging of biology and technology. The satanic vision is to create a hybrid race with a non-human DNA.
'Narrow Gate News' (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque, NM. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'For The Sake Of My Brothers'
'For The Sake Of My Brothers' is an explosive yet balanced report of the spiritual condition of Israel in 2024. It's the testimony of holocaust survivors shocked by the holocaust of the covid vaccinations done in Israel. The report delves into the international depth of evil chaos in our time, and the new legislation in the process of being passed through congress which would criminalize the public reading of New Testament passages that make reference to Jewish involvement in the death of Jesus. As always with NGN we go inside the problem then through to the solution. Dennis has unique insight into how support for Israel can happen. Thank you for watching, you'll be glad you did. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News (NGN) - 'The Bands Are Real'
Narrow Gate News, Promesa Network Studio, Albuquerque.
This NGN draws from a 6 hour documentary called 'Never Again.' It's the testimony of holocaust survivors shocked by the holocaust of covid vaccinations. Also highlighted by an interview with David Heavener ('The Last Evangelist'). The conversation delves into the international depth of evil chaos in our time, and the new legislation in the process of being passed through congress which would criminalize the public reading of New Testament passages that make reference to Jewish involvement in the death of Jesus. As always with NGN we go inside the problem then through to the solution. Thank you for watching, you'll be glad you did. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Render to God - Narrow Gate News
'Render to God' - 'Narrow Gate News' (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque, NM. Freedom of speech is being oppressed in governments worldwide. Dennis shows January 6 as the current new beginning, with new legislation in congress outlawing Bible passages as being anti-semetic as the most recent. Pastor David Michael interview gives insight into the spirit of anti-christ today. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'Testimony-Metamorphosis'
Our newest 'Narrow Gate News' is 'Testimony - Metamorphosis.' The depth to this NGN will grow on you. Stay until the end. Please like, subscribe, (follow) comment. Please share. Grow with us as we build a new base with 'Rumble' the free speech platform. God bless and thank you!
'Narrow Gate News' (NGN) - 'Love Is Truth'
'Love Is Truth' - 'Narrow Gate News' (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque, NM. Further insight into a previous show, 'End of the Road,' that featured comments from Jordan Petersen and Michael Shellenberger on the subject of transgender medical malpractice. This program continues that investigation with film clips from 'Frankenstein' movies, 'Time Machine' and Mary Shelley insight from NGN contributor Jeff Whitaker. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'Love Is Truth'
Love Is Truth: Narrow Gate News (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque, NM. Further insight into a previous show, 'End of the Road,' that featured comments from Jordan Petersen and Michael Shellenberger on the subject of transgender medical malpractice. This program continues that investigation with film clips from 'Frankenstein' movies, 'Time Machine' and Mary Shelley insight from NGN contributor Jeff Whitaker. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'End Of The Road'
Narrow Gate News host Dennis Cole discusses ' End Of The Road.' Included are talking points by Jordan Peterson and Michael Shellenberger. Narrow Gate News (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque. Host Dennis Cole gives commentary and perspective for the times we live in. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News - 'The Jesus We Never Knew'
Narrow Gate News host Dennis Cole discusses 'The Jesus We Never Knew' which includes interview with Karen England President of 'Capital Resource Institute.' She is an activist protecting children and parents from radical sexualization in public schools.
Narrow Gate News (NGT)-National Religious Broadcasters Interviews
Narrow Gate News (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque. Host NGT- Dennis Cole gives commentary and perspective for the times we live in. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News (NGN} - The Sin Of Passivity
The Sin Of Passivity: Narrow Gate News (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque. Host Dennis Cole gives commentary and perspective for the times we live in. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.
Narrow Gate News (NGN} - The Sin Of Passivity
The Sin Of Passivity: Narrow Gate News (NGN) - Promesa Network Studio Albuquerque. Host Dennis Cole gives commentary and perspective for the times we live in. Dennis Cole is an international Bible Actor, author, journalist, playwright and pastor. Please comment, subscribe, like, and share. God Bless You. Thank you very much.